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Access to Paleo Toolkit?

Hello,I am digging into the documentation to begin running a few CESM 1.2 runs for the LGM, but it appears that many of the changes that need to be made use the Paleo Toolkit. Is it available as a public download, or if not, whom do I need to contact to get access to it? Thanks.Matt


New Member
Matt,Can you let us know a bit more about what LGM runs with CESM1.2 you would like to do? What ocean and atmosphere resolutions are you planning to use?


New Member
Hello,I am hoping to run some CESM fixed SST (or zonal mean q-flux SOM) semi-idealized paleo simulations, for example decreasing the width of the Atlantic (and increasing the width of the Pacific) whilst keeping the continent shapes and orientations the same as present day. Looking through the documentation, and trying to play around with the input files, I've realised that the paleo toolkit would be really helpful for setting up the initial files for these simulations. Is it possible to get access to this toolkit?Many thanks,Rachel 