I'm having some issues downloading input data.
I am following this page to do a single point clm 5 run on cesm 2.1.5. I know support for specifying PTS_LAT/PTS_LON in create_newcase was dropped from cime at some point, but I can just change it after the case is created.
If I do all this, the case is created, setup, and built successfully. However, when submitting the case I get an error and the following output.
If I go to the case directory and run
I'll get errors like this
or this
for all of the files its trying to download.
Any ideas? Am I just connecting to the wrong server?
I am following this page to do a single point clm 5 run on cesm 2.1.5. I know support for specifying PTS_LAT/PTS_LON in create_newcase was dropped from cime at some point, but I can just change it after the case is created.
# create the test
./create_newcase --case testPTS --res f19_g17 --compset I1850Clm50SpCru
cd testPTS
# change variables to run on a single point
./xmlchange PTS_MODE=TRUE, PTS_LAT=29.7, PTS_LON=-82.0
./xmlchange CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=on, RUN_TYPE=startup
# change variables to use a single core and adjust wall time
./xmlchange NTASKS=1
# setup, build, and submit the case as usual
If I do all this, the case is created, setup, and built successfully. However, when submitting the case I get an error and the following output.
Loading input file list: 'Buildconf/clm.input_data_list'
Model clm no file specified for finidat
Checking server None with protocol None
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Client protocol None not enabled
ERROR: Could not find all inputdata on any server
If I go to the case directory and run
./check_input_data --download
I'll get errors like this
Model datm missing file domain1 = '/blue/gerber/earth_models/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/domain.lnd.360x720_cruncep.130305.nc'
Trying to download file: 'clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/domain.lnd.360x720_cruncep.130305.nc' to path '/blue/gerber/earth_models/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/domain.lnd.360x720_cruncep.130305.nc' using WGET protocol.
wget failed with output: b'' and errput b'--2024-05-03 13:18:05-- ftp://ftp.cgd.ucar.edu/cesm/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/domain.lnd.360x720_cruncep.130305.nc\n => \xe2\x80\x98/blue/gerber/earth_models/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/domain.lnd.360x720_cruncep.130305.nc\xe2\x80\x99\nResolving ftp.cgd.ucar.edu (ftp.cgd.ucar.edu)...\nConnecting to ftp.cgd.ucar.edu (ftp.cgd.ucar.edu)||:21... connected.\nLogging in as anonymous ... Logged in!\n==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.\n==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD (1) /cesm/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715 ... \nNo such directory \xe2\x80\x98cesm/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715\xe2\x80\x99.'
or this
Model datm missing file file231 = '/blue/gerber/earth_models/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/Precip6Hrly/clmforc.cruncep.V7.c2016.0.5d.Prec.1920-03.nc'
Trying to download file: 'clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/Precip6Hrly/clmforc.cruncep.V7.c2016.0.5d.Prec.1920-03.nc' to path '/blue/gerber/earth_models/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/Precip6Hrly/clmforc.cruncep.V7.c2016.0.5d.Prec.1920-03.nc' using SVN protocol.
svn export failed with output: and errput svn: E170000: URL 'https://svn-ccsm-inputdata.cgd.ucar.edu/trunk/inputdata/clmforce/atm_forcing.datm7.cruncep_qianFill.0.5d.v7.c160715/Precip6Hrly/clmforc.cruncep.V7.c2016.0.5d.Prec.1920-03.nc' doesn't exist
for all of the files its trying to download.
Any ideas? Am I just connecting to the wrong server?