Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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Hi, I want to run a simulation for 1980-2020 using the compset FHIST, but the model stopped when it reached 2015. I checked the log file, and the error shown is:
ERROR: GETEIL: FAILED to get Inputdata/atm/cam/strataero/
Hello, everyone. I am using CESM2.2 to run the FHIST case. I have two questions about the initial file (set by 'ncdata').
Does the initial file represent the state of a specific year, or is it simply a static equilibrium state used to start the model?
When the run-type is set to startup, is it...
I'm running a FHIST run from year 1995 to year 2014 with cam5. And I need the GHG forcing file (bndtvghg in cam user namelist) that goes to year 2014.
The default GHG file the module selected is "/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas/", which...
I use the default CESM2.1.3 model without changing anything. When I use FHIST, it seems that I only can set ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=1979-01-01. But if I want to run from 1850 or from 1960, my running always failed. I wonder how to successfully set ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=1850-01-01 or...
Hi all!I was running CESM 2.1.3 for a period of time.But I have some questions:
1.If NOX,O3,CO2 were not input to the default namelist of FHIST compset?And how can I add them in my model,for the purpose that I want make them become the variables in my output data.
2.If I want to add the...
hi, all,
I wan to run a simulation using FHIST compset, but normally the historical period is end at 2014, if I want to get the output of 2016-2020, is there any possible
way to do this,
hi, everyone,
when I run FHIST simulation for 1990 (for one year) in supercomputer, and set the following namelist as
do_transient_crops = .true.
do_transient_pfts = .true.
!flanduse_timeseries = ''
!fsurdat =...
hi, everyone,
when i run FHIST simulation for 1990 (for one year) in supercomputer, the error present as:
"using /scratch/snx3000/rxu/CCLM2_inputdata/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/
reading ice cloud optics from file...
I'm getting the following reproducible error in CAM while running a CAM6 f09 FHIST case with cam_cesm2_2_rel_03 (I think).
Oddly it is able to run over 10 years before this error. The modifications I make are 1) using coupled CESM2 SSTs and sea ice rather than observed and 2) masking out the...
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