What version of the code are you using?
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
Describe your problem or question:
I am trying to run a 0.05 deg resolution regional CLM-only simulation using transient landuse. Previously I had no problem running I2000 static landuse cases using the same surface creation methods and my paramfile. This specific case is supposed to be for spinup for my actual simulation. However, even one-year of run stalls out at 3 hours. My previous I2000 runs were achieving ~1 sim-year/1 hour. I am using 15 nodes so this previous thread does not help. The lnd.log file at
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
./create_newcase --case /glade/work/amans/cases_0.05/Spinup_000_I2000Clm51BgcCrop_MRB_0.05_MOSART_0.125 --compset IHistClm51BgcCrop --res f09_g16 --run-unsupported
- Added surface, landuse, paramfile, and initial condition file to user_nl_clm in case dir:
Code:fsurdat='/glade/work/amans/data/MRB-CONUS_0.05/merged_ctsm5.3_w_FMAX_irrig/surfdata_480x770-MRB_0.05_hist_1979_78pfts_c250324.nc' paramfile='/glade/work/amans/data/inputs/params/calibrated_Aman/d_max_watsat/ctsm51_params_Mengqi_d_max_15_watasat_sf_1.4.c250324.nc' flanduse_timeseries='/glade/work/amans/data/MRB-CONUS_0.05/ctsm5.3_fsurf/landuse.timeseries_480x770-MRB_0.05_hist_1979-2022_78pfts_c250319.nc' finidat='/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/lnd/clm2/initdata_map/clmi.I2000Clm50BgcCrop.2011-01-01.1.9x2.5_gx1v7_gl4_simyr2000_c240223.nc'
- Added CONUS404 forcing at my surface resolution and clipped to surface extent to user_nl_datm_streams.
- Xmlchanged land domain mesh, atm domain mesh, land and atm NX NY, ROF grid NX and NY. Xmlchanged DATM yr align and start to my forcing start year.
- ./case.build and ./case.submit
Describe your problem or question:
I am trying to run a 0.05 deg resolution regional CLM-only simulation using transient landuse. Previously I had no problem running I2000 static landuse cases using the same surface creation methods and my paramfile. This specific case is supposed to be for spinup for my actual simulation. However, even one-year of run stalls out at 3 hours. My previous I2000 runs were achieving ~1 sim-year/1 hour. I am using 15 nodes so this previous thread does not help. The lnd.log file at
has repetitive Computed Orbital Parameters' blocks.Obviously, I could increase the wallclock time. But is there any other way to speed things up? Also, why are orbital parameter calculations occurring for IHist compset but not for I2000 compsets?(shr_orb_params) ------ Computed Orbital Parameters ------
(shr_orb_params) Eccentricity = 1.671178E-02
(shr_orb_params) Obliquity (deg) = 2.344237E+01
(shr_orb_params) Obliquity (rad) = 4.091465E-01
(shr_orb_params) Long of perh(deg) = 1.025529E+02
(shr_orb_params) Long of perh(rad) = 4.931478E+00
(shr_orb_params) Long at v.e.(rad) = -3.253449E-02
(shr_orb_params) -----------------------------------------