I have been tring to run CO2 1PCT increase since 2000 experiments run using “2000_CAM60%1PCT_CLM50%BGC_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BPRP”, (I have successfully completed CTRL_RUN using “2000_CAM60_CLM50%BGC_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BPRP”.), but there are some problems after submitting case. Cesm.log states “ERROR: flbc_inti: cannot specify flbc_cycle_yr if flbc_type is not CYCLICAL”. I think that this log implies that the problem may be a conflict between the compset configurations, (e.g. 2000 and cam6%1pct). Indeed, CO2 concentration is constant in piControl, but has a distribution with latitude and time in “2000 experiment”.
How can I solve this problem? Could I get some advice?
For the better understanding, attaching my cesm.log file below:
Thank you.
I have been tring to run CO2 1PCT increase since 2000 experiments run using “2000_CAM60%1PCT_CLM50%BGC_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BPRP”, (I have successfully completed CTRL_RUN using “2000_CAM60_CLM50%BGC_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BPRP”.), but there are some problems after submitting case. Cesm.log states “ERROR: flbc_inti: cannot specify flbc_cycle_yr if flbc_type is not CYCLICAL”. I think that this log implies that the problem may be a conflict between the compset configurations, (e.g. 2000 and cam6%1pct). Indeed, CO2 concentration is constant in piControl, but has a distribution with latitude and time in “2000 experiment”.
How can I solve this problem? Could I get some advice?
For the better understanding, attaching my cesm.log file below:
Thank you.