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About the ozone input dataset ""

Dear CAM3.0 developers,

I want to run CAM3.0 with a multi-year ozone dataset. I have refered to the user`s guide, but with nothing obtained.
In the section 2.5.1, page 28, and page 31, there are something describe the ozone dataset like followings:

" Only the ozone dataset contains time-variant input data which is based on a 365 day year with no leap years."
"The ozone boundary dataset contains ozone volume mixing ratios which are constant for a given latitude. This dataset is defined on a pressure grid (unlike the hybrid grid of the model). These values are interpolated to the model vertical levels at each model grid point. The ozone dataset is in netCDF format and contains the fields PS and OZONE. PS is a constant 1000 mb pressure field needed for interpolation. The ozone dataset is specified by namelist variable BNDTVO. Unlike the initial conditions file, CAM is capable of interpolating the ozone dataset to any vertical and or horizontal resolution so the user need not specify new ozone datasets when changing model
resolution. The default ozone dataset provided with the distribution is

CSMDATA/atm/cam2/ozone/ "

I have examed the dataset "", and found that, this dataset is only 12 months with 64 lats, 1 lon, and 60 levs. But why?

I have an observed monthly mean ozone-total-volume dataset with 5x10 horizontal resolution and 1 level. The time is from Jan1979 to Dec2003.
I want to know how to interpolate this dataset to meet the need of the CAM3.0.

In page 73, it is said that the namelist variable OZNCYC should be set to .false., if a multi-year dataset is assumed. But how should this multi-year ozone dataset be? Like the multi-year SST dataset or just like the dataset ""?

Could you give me any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Saturday, 16, 07, 2005