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Adapting surface data + land use timeseries created for BGC-CROP to SP


New Member

I want to reuse the surface dataset and land use timeseries from the PMIP4 past1000 run (with CLM5.0 BGC-CROP) for my own run (with CLM5.0 SP; FHIST compset). The original input files are
fsurdat             = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.24/'
flanduse_timeseries = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.24/'
finidat             = ''

(Case directory: /glade/work/cmip6/cases/PMIP4/b.e21.BWmaHIST.f19_g17.PMIP4-past1000.002)

These files are incompatible with SP since they use 78 instead of 16 PFTs.

My questions are:
  1. How can I adapt these input files to be compatible with SP while still giving roughly the same radiative forcing? Is it as simple as replacing all PFTs 16-78 (different types of crops) with PFT 15 (C3 Unmanaged Rainfed Crop)?
  2. How can I reuse the spun-up restart file from a BGC-CROP control run for my SP run?

Thank you!

- Dominik


I think the model may work with a finidat from a BGC-CROP case in an SP case. The same is NOT true with fsurdat files in pre-ctsm5.1 versions of the model.

I see you're using yr-850 files, and I see such a 16-pft fsurdat in
but no landuse equivalent.

Making new surface/landuse files with mksurfdata_map may not work on derecho, though you should look for a forum thread about that and see if somebody got it to work.

Making new surface/landuse files with mksurfdata_esmf is available in ctsm5.2, but in this case the data and the model would be different.

So you may have one choice, i.e. to modify the surface/landuse files yourself to get them from 78 to 16-pft. Looking inside other 16-pft files will likely give you insight into the changes that you need for this to work.
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