I want to add a constant (in space and time) offset to the SST forcing field in the cam code (not in the netcdf forcing file). I tried to include the following line in the atm_comp_mct.F90 routine (to add 1 degree everywhere): cam_in(c)%aldif(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_anidf, ig)cam_in(c)%ts(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_Sx_t, ig)cam_in(c)%sst(i) = x2a_a%rAttr(index_x2a_So_t, ig) +1 However this seems to be the wrong place to do this modification, as the skin temperature model output does not incldue this offset.Where would be the best place to include an offset?Thanks