Hi Rich,
Thanks for replying, I heard from S.Levis that you have a lot of work. Here is what I need. I only want to have aerosols output in several pressure levels. I do not need the climatic effects of aerosols in this phase of the project. Later it would be good to have radiation effects of aerosols in global climate. As I saw from the manual I had to add the variables name in any fincl I wanted. The question is do I need to have extra configuration settings?
(for example do I have to make ./configure --extra flags)?
Do I have to change something in the code (anywhere)? I mean specifically in aerosol_intr.F90 where dust is not fully declared as it is easily understood from the subroutine above.
character(len=16), private, parameter :: def_prognostic_sulfur = 'off' ! default einai off
! Set this flag to .TRUE. to turn on sulfur
logical, private :: sulfur = .FALSE.
! Set this flag to .TRUE. to turn on sulfur feedback in
! set_aerosol_from_prognostics()
logical, private :: feedback_sulfur = .FALSE.
! Set this flag to .TRUE. to turn on carbon
logical, private, parameter :: def_carbon = .FALSE. ! default
logical, private :: carbon = def_carbon
! Set this flag to .TRUE. to turn on carbon feedback in
! set_aerosol_from_prognostics()
logical, private, parameter :: def_feedback_carbon = .FALSE. ! default
logical, private :: feedback_carbon = def_feedback_carbon
! Set this flag to .TRUE. to turn on sea salt
logical, private, parameter :: def_sea_salt = .FALSE. ! default
logical, private :: sea_salt = def_sea_salt
! Set this flag to .TRUE. to turn on sea salt feedback in
! set_aerosol_from_prognostics()
logical, private, parameter :: def_feedback_sea_salt = .FALSE. ! default
logical, private :: feedback_sea_salt = def_feedback_sea_salt
Another problem that I have is that I want to control the frequency of the output that I want to have. Here is the namelist that I use. I read the frequency parameter nhtfrq() and for example nhtfrq(1)=-24,-24... means that the first two variables in h0 file will be written in the first history file every 24 hours. That unfortunately did not happen. Maybe I lost something and I made command variable wrongly used.
My namelist is this
absems_data = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.c030508.nc'
aeroptics = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/rad/AerosolOptics_c040105.nc'
bndtvaer = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/rad/AerosolMass_V_64x128_clim_c031022.nc'
bndtvdms = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/scyc/DMS_emissions_64x128_c030722.nc'
bndtvghg = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/ggas/ghg_1870_2100_c040122.nc'
bndtvo = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/ozone/pcmdio3.r8.64x1_L60_clim_c970515.nc'
bndtvoxid = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/scyc/oxid_3d_64x128_L26_c030722.nc'
bndtvs = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_c020411.nc'
bndtvscon = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/rad/scon_1870_2100_c040122.nc'
bndtvsox = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/scyc/SOx_emissions_64x128_L2_1870-1871_c040520.nc'
bndtvvolc = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/rad/VolcanicMass_1870-1999_64x1_L18_c040115.nc'
caseid = 'testrun_ozone_sulf'
fincl1 = 'ALDIF:I', 'ALDIR:I', 'O3VMR:I','MSO4:I','MSSLT_V:I','MVOLC:I'
fincl2 = 'PRECT:I', 'PRECSL:I', 'T850:I', 'Z050:I', 'Q850:I', 'Q200:I', 'T300:I', 'TREFHT:I', 'TREFHTMN:I', 'TREFHTMX:I', 'TS:I', 'TS1:I', 'TS2:I', 'TS3:I', 'TS4:I', 'TSICE:I', 'U200:I', 'U850:I', 'V200:I', 'V850:I', 'Z300:I', 'Z500:I', 'Z700:I', 'O3VMR:I', 'MSO4:I', 'MSSLT_V:I', 'MSUL_V:I', 'MVOLC:I', 'ICEFRAC:I', 'OCNFRAC:I', 'OMEGA500:I', 'OMEGA850:I', 'PRECCINT:I', 'PSL:I', 'QFLX:I', 'SNOWHICE:I', 'SNOWHLND:I', 'T300:I', 'PS:I'
fincl3 = 'PRECT:A','T850:A','TSMN:A','TSMX:A','TS:A','Z500:A'
inithist = 'DAILY'
iyear_ad = 1950
ncdata = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_L26_c030918.nc'
nelapse = -3
nsrest = 0
nhtfrq(1) = -24,-24,-24,-24,-24,-24
nhtfrq(2) = -24
!nhtfrq(3) = -24
! sxolia
finidat = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//lnd/clm2/inidata_2.1/cam/clmi_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_USGS_c030609.nc'
fpftcon = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology'
fsurdat = '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam/clms_64x128_USGS_c030605.nc'
I can not understand what do you mean by saying diagnostically? (for the aerosoles)
One question that I wanted to ask you is which variable declare the carbon emissions (black, CO2, CO etc)? Is there any carbon emission path? (I need the corresponding for carbon variablebndtvsox (variable of SOx) and the corresponding path for Carbon ( Here is forSOx emissions) '/mnt/skiron5/chrispana/cam3//atm/cam2/scyc/SOx_emissions_64x128_L2_1870-1871_c040520.nc')
Is it possible to activate in CAM3.0 all the carbon species?
How can I have CH4, CO2 output because I can not understand the usage of CH4VMR and CO2VMR (How they are used? and where are the results come out since they are not declared in a history file)
Sorry for the amount of questions that I made
Thanks in advance for your time, but I am a new CAM user............
I use CAM3.0, portland compiler and GNU/Linux
My core is
And I use gcc (GCC) 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)