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aerosol radiative forcing- MAM3 emission input files


zijin huang
New Member
What version of the code are you using?
CESM 1.2.2

Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?


Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:

If this is a port to a new machine: Please attach any files you added or changed for the machine port (e.g., config_compilers.xml, config_machines.xml, and config_batch.xml) and tell us the compiler version you are using on this machine.
Please attach any log files showing error messages or other useful information.

Describe your problem or question:

We are conducting an experiment using CESM1.2.2 CAM5-MAM with slab ocean present day run. where we need to increase the anthropogenic aerosol concentrations only over a specific region. This requires modifications to the surface emission input files. This input files includes number concentration files of a1 and a2 mode etc like '’. What these files meant, and do we need to increase the concentration of these files as well?
Please assist.