I am trying use anomaly forcing following: Question on running with anomaly forcing data
My case runs successfully but for some reason the anomalies are not applied. I might be missing something, I am using the ctsm with nuopc coupler. Could please help me with when you can? I have the case on Cheyenne " /glade/work/elkoukah/cases/I2000_PPEn12CTSM51_yampa_singlept.pPrecip " Thanks so much!
I am trying use anomaly forcing following: Question on running with anomaly forcing data
My case runs successfully but for some reason the anomalies are not applied. I might be missing something, I am using the ctsm with nuopc coupler. Could please help me with when you can? I have the case on Cheyenne " /glade/work/elkoukah/cases/I2000_PPEn12CTSM51_yampa_singlept.pPrecip " Thanks so much!