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atm bottom level

I always see the "atm bottom level" in CLM model. I know it's about 992mb or 60m for CAM in the bottom level. Dose anyone know if they mean the same level in CLM?

Thanks, Sam:)
So u10 is calculated in Biogeochem/FrictionVelocity.F90 based on these atm bottom level variables, and I tried to add u10 into the clm history tape. However, when I put u10 in history file (histFldsMod.F90) by the following scripts
call add_fld1d (fname='U10', units='m/s', &
avgflag='A', long_name='10-m wind speed for dust', &
I couldn't get the output. Anything wrong with this?

Thanks again,
Never mind:) I had resolved the problem with Sam and Dave's kindly suggestions.
Also, when I passed soil moisture ( the first level h2osoi_vol) from CLM into CAM/atm side, the soil moisture pattern looks the same with in CLM side. However, there is exactly 10 times magnitude lower than in CLM side. Dose anyone have any experience at this?

Have a great time,