New Member
I am trying to run the atmospheric diagnostic scripts diag140804.csh for atmosphere only model output from my own run compared to "USER defined" output from the CESM-LE runs. I was able to compare my runs to the observations but I'm having issues when I want a user defined control run. 1) I'm not sure if it's possible to conduct the comparison to data that has been post processed so that the data is organized by timerseries in separate folders for each variable such as: /glade/p/cesmLE/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE/atm/proc/tseries/monthly/PSL/ Assuming this is not possible, I could compare it to un processed data on HPSS but I'm having issues does this. I'm looking to compare to:/CCSM/csm/b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.001/atm/hist/* The issue seems to be that the climatolgy files are not being created (when I have asked it to create the CNTL climo files). I'm not sure if there is something I need to do to let the code know to search for the CNTL data in HPSS or if there is something wrong with the paths I have specified. I have attaced my modifield diagnostic scripts and the output file. Thanks!!!