I have run CAM4(CESM1.2.0) with prescribed climatological SST (10 years simulation). But I found the atmosperic energy balance (FSNT-FLNT) was not close to zero ,which is about -26 W/m2. I ploting the TOA net shortwave radiative flux (FSNTOA) and upwelling longwave flux at top of model (FLUT). The FSNTOA and FLUT have similar pattern as AMWG diags with CAM4: I am confused to why the atmospheric energy banlance is not close to zero , Is there some wrong with my calculation of FSNT-FLNT ? My ncl scripts of calculation are as follows: begin fils = systemfunc("ls home/archive/cam4_bam/atm/hist/*.nc") f = addfiles(fils, "r") fsnt = addfiles_GetVar(f,fils,"FSNT") flnt = addfiles_GetVar(f,fils,"FLNT") fsnt_ave = dim_avg_n_Wrap(fsnt,0) ; 10 years mean flnt_ave = dim_avg_n_Wrap(flnt,0) diff = fsnt_ave diff = fsnt_ave-flnt_ave radi_avg = avg(diff) print(radi_avg)end The output is -26.63861 the attachment is plot of annual mean FSNTOA and FLUTAny suggestions will be appreciated !