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Atmospheric Forcing for Offline CLM

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Hayes Dev
New Member
I am interested in running a coupled CLM with slab ocean and saving the atmospheric data to use as forcing data for an offline run.

This CLM5 documentation says to "edit the driver code" by copying the file "ccsm_comp_mod.F90" from the cesm/cime/models/drv/driver folder. I am unable to find this folder path or file
Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 7.43.43 PM.png
To run the offline model that uses the atmospheric data, you also need to access files in this /models/.. folder.

Can someone explain how to do this? Thanks


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
For release-cesm2.1.3, you just need to put these lines in your user_nl_cpl of your coupled simulation:

histaux_a2x1hr = .true.
histaux_a2x3hr = .true.
histaux_a2x1hri = .true.
histaux_a2x24hr = .true.

This will produce daily coupler history files. You can convert your daily coupler history files to monthly using the script I've put on our ftp site:

The script is concat_cpl_hist_mon.csh and there is an example of how to run it: concat.command.

You can then setup your land-only case using DATM%CPLHIST in the long name of your compset.

I'd recommend doing a short coupled run, process the data, and then a short land-only run to make sure everything is working correctly before you do a long coupled run.


Hayes Dev
New Member
Okay great thanks! so for the coupled run I'd...

1. create the newcase
2. do the setup
3. set those 4 histaux variables to true in user_nl_cpl
4. change the data save paths
5. build and run as normal

I'm not running on cheyenne, is there anything else I'd need to change to make it work on my system? It's already been ported successfully
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