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B_1850_CAM5_CN with f09_g16 Experiment. What is the warning when performing cesm_setup?

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Se-Yong Song
New Member
When I execute the "./cesm_setup" with B_1850_CAM5_CN (with f09_g16) experiment, it gives warning messages below.

CLM configure done.
WARNING: is being used.
WARNING: is being used.

This warning is probably related to the CLM gird file. Do I understand correctly?
If anyone knows about this warning, please explain.

Thank you for helping!


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Se-Yong,

Can you provide any information on the CESM version you are using? Given that it is "cesm_setup" I am assuming it is CESM1, but it would be good to know for sure.

Also, if it is CESM1, then I believe those warnings are present because you are doing a hybrid or branch run, but either haven't specified a reference case (which is done using the "RUN_REFCASE" and "RUN_REFDATE" variables in "env_run.xml"), or haven't copied the reference case's restart files to your run directory ("RUNDIR" in "env_run.xml"). Thus CLM is trying to guess what the file's name is, which is shown in the "WARNING" messages.

If you don't specify a reference case and copy that case's restart files to the run directory, and if the guessed restart file shown in the warning message doesn't exist, then I believe the simulation will fail.

Finally, I am moving this thread to the CLM forum, in case any CLM users with more expertise than myself would like to add more.

Hope that helps, and have a great day!



Se-Yong Song
New Member
Hi Jesse

Thank you for reply.

I am using CESM version 1.2.2.

There is a warning message in the CESM setup, but the setup is completed successfully.
And when I execute build, it gives messages below.
-Prestaging REFCASE (ccsm4_init / b40_1850_1d_b08c5n_138j / 0320-01-01) to "My run-Directory path"

Also, the build completed well and the model seems to run fine.
Is it implies that the model runs by loading the file in the run-directory?

If the model runs correctly, I would like to set the file path correctly so that warnings are not issued during the cesm setup process.

Thank you for helping!



Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Se-Yong,

Yes, The "PRESTAGE" message during the build phase is indicating that CESM is downloading the required "" file to your run directory automatically, using the "check_input_data" script (which should be in your case directory). You can double-check this by seeing if the file is in fact in your run directory. This is also why your simulation runs without any issues.

Given this, you probably have two options going forward:

1. Ignore these specific warning messages, as they will automatically be fixed later during the build and run phases of your CESM case.

2. Copy the restart file into your run directory manually before running "cesm_setup". This should prevent those warning messages from appearing.

Another possibility could be to simply remove the warning messages from the source code yourself (they are located in <CESM>/models/lnd/clm/bld/clm.buildnml.csh, where <CESM> is wherever you downloaded the model). However, I would generally advise against that, as there may be situations where those warning messages indicate a real problem. Plus most CESM simulations always throw warning messages of some kind or another (especially during run-time), so trying to track them all down is likely not worth the effort.

Anyways, I hope that helps, and please let me know if you are still confused about anything.

Thanks, and have a great day!



Se-Yong Song
New Member
Hi Se-Yong,

Yes, The "PRESTAGE" message during the build phase is indicating that CESM is downloading the required "" file to your run directory automatically, using the "check_input_data" script (which should be in your case directory). You can double-check this by seeing if the file is in fact in your run directory. This is also why your simulation runs without any issues.

Given this, you probably have two options going forward:

1. Ignore these specific warning messages, as they will automatically be fixed later during the build and run phases of your CESM case.

2. Copy the restart file into your run directory manually before running "cesm_setup". This should prevent those warning messages from appearing.

Another possibility could be to simply remove the warning messages from the source code yourself (they are located in <CESM>/models/lnd/clm/bld/clm.buildnml.csh, where <CESM> is wherever you downloaded the model). However, I would generally advise against that, as there may be situations where those warning messages indicate a real problem. Plus most CESM simulations always throw warning messages of some kind or another (especially during run-time), so trying to track them all down is likely not worth the effort.

Anyways, I hope that helps, and please let me know if you are still confused about anything.

Thanks, and have a great day!


Hi Jesse

Thank you for reply.

As you say, this is fixed in the build process, so it can be ignored.
I also understand the cause of warning signal and the model seems to run fine.

Thanks, and have a great day!

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