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Balanced initial field for B_2000_CAM5

Guanyu Liu

Guanyu Liu
New Member
Due to the coupling model of B compset in the CESM, it often takes thousands of years (model years) for the model to reach equilibrium, which is very time-consuming. Therefore, I would like to ask if there is an initial field of equilibrium that has already been run to drive the model, so that the model does not need to run for a long time.

ps: I am using CESM 1.2.2.

Any solution is appreciable. Many Thanks!


Michael Levy
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
CESM 1.2.2 isn't supported any longer, and I don't know what simulation data is still available... but @strandwg might be able to provide you with the restart files generated during the preindustrial spin-up for this version of the model.
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