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bnd_topo variable in the Namelist file for CAM

I would like to know what the bnd_topo namelist variable is used for. I have not found any documentation on this and cannot locate the file to download:

I am getting the following error when trying to run CAM3 at T85 resolution:

CHECK_VAR Warning: variable SGH30 is not on initial dataset

Obviously, SGH30 is in this orographic height boundary dataset?

Thank you,

scapps said:
I would like to know what the bnd_topo namelist variable is used for. I have not found any documentation on this and cannot locate the file to download:

I am getting the following error when trying to run CAM3 at T85 resolution:

CHECK_VAR Warning: variable SGH30 is not on initial dataset

Obviously, SGH30 is in this orographic height boundary dataset?

Thank you,


Dear Scott,
This input data set is for the surface topography. So far I remember, this namelist variable was not given in CAM3.0, that is why CAM3.0 user's guide did not have any such term, but It is available in CAM3.1. I think you are using CAM3.1 but not CAM3.

If you need any further help in this regard, please let me know,
Thank you for your reply.....Sorry, I am using cam3.1.p2:

NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM)
$Name: cam3_1_brnchT_p2 $
$Date: 2005/03/10 21:00:24 $

I will try downloading this dataset from the CAM website.

I have all of the CAM3_1 datasets and am still getting the original error message: SGH30 not found (see below). I see a SGH netcdf variable in the boundary dataset. I'm not sure why it is looking for SGH30:

PHYS_GRID_INIT: Using PCOLS= 16 phys_loadbalance= 0
phys_alltoall= 0 chunks_per_thread= 1
SPMDBUF: Allocating SPMD buffers of size 9334800
INITIALIZE_RADBUFFER: ntoplw = 1 pressure:
PROCESS_INIDAT: Will not filter input PHIS: attribute
from_hires is either false or not present
CHECK_VAR Warning: variable SGH30 is not on initial dataset
print_memusage iam 1 post-inidat. -1 in the next line means unavailable
print_memusage: size, rss, share, text, datastack= 119387 88033 423 1374 0
scapps said:
I have all of the CAM3_1 datasets and am still getting the original error message: SGH30 not found (see below). I see a SGH netcdf variable in the boundary dataset. I'm not sure why it is looking for SGH30:

PHYS_GRID_INIT: Using PCOLS= 16 phys_loadbalance= 0
phys_alltoall= 0 chunks_per_thread= 1
SPMDBUF: Allocating SPMD buffers of size 9334800
INITIALIZE_RADBUFFER: ntoplw = 1 pressure:
PROCESS_INIDAT: Will not filter input PHIS: attribute
from_hires is either false or not present
CHECK_VAR Warning: variable SGH30 is not on initial dataset
print_memusage iam 1 post-inidat. -1 in the next line means unavailable
print_memusage: size, rss, share, text, datastack= 119387 88033 423 1374 0

Please post your namelist and last few lines of error and out files.
