Can anyone explain the fundamentals of an error like, "box_rearrange::compute_dest:: ERROR: no destination found for compdof=7183393?" I've been running a pre-industrial control simulation on 180 Pleiades ivy-bridge processors with 1850_CAM5_CLM45_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV -res 1.9x2.5_gx1v6 -mach pleiades-ivyThe only thing I change is some things about RRTMG. The code compiles and runs for three or four years. But when I try to put into production, I get errors like that above before the integrations start.But if I set: ./xmlchange -file env_run.xml -id DOUT_L_MS -val "FALSE" to turn off automatic long-term archiving, the simulation can be submitted again and will complete as normal. I can run long-term archiving outside the CESM run script without any issues and with no negative impact on the job.My situation is relatively unique and not easily reproducible, so I don't expect any help with resolving the error per se, but I have no idea why I am triggering this particular error in PIO. Best regards, Nicholas HeavensResearch Assistant Professor of Planetary ScienceHampton University