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BRCP45C5CN Extension to 2300


I am looking for the files needed to extend an RCP4.5 scenario run with the BRCP45C5CN compset on gx1v6 grid from 2100-2300. A few years back I ran this and the files were in /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/RCP2300/ which I know no longer exists. Last year I ran RCP8.5 and the extended run files were found here: /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/share/extend but I looked around and I don't see the files for RCP4.5. Could someone please point me to these and also let me know the appropriate changes to the namelist files needed to use them? This is what I had for the RCP8.5 version:

user_nl_clm mods:
fpftdyn = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata/'
model_year_align_ndep = 2095

stream_fldfilename_ndep = '/glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/'
stream_year_first_ndep = 2095
stream_year_last_ndep = 2505

user_nl_cam mods:

ext_frc_specifier = 'SO2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'bc_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'num_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'num_a2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'pom_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'so4_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'so4_a2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/'

srf_emis_specifier = 'DMS -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'SO2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'SOAG -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'bc_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'num_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'num_a2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'pom_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'so4_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/',
'so4_a2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/'

tracer_cnst_datapath = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend'
tracer_cnst_file = ''
tracer_cnst_filelist = 'oxid_1.9x2.5_L26_clim_list.c090805.txt'
prescribed_ozone_datapath = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend'
prescribed_ozone_file = ''
solar_data_file = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/share/extend/'



Hi Shaina ~

I found these RCP45 extensions 2100 to 2300 in my personal work directory. They share the same dates as the analogous RCP85 extensions so I expect they were produced at the same time, but I do not have any information for them to confirm that. You are welcome to use them ... but caveat emptor!


Hi Shaina ~

I found these RCP45 extensions 2100 to 2300 in my personal work directory. They share the same dates as the analogous RCP85 extensions so I expect they were produced at the same time, but I do not have any information for them to confirm that. You are welcome to use them ... but caveat emptor!


Thank you so much Nan! I just copied them all over to my work space to unzip and cross checked them with the namelist changes I had used previously. Everything seems to be there that is needed for the user_nl_cam modifications.

The only thing that isn't in that directory are these two files which I had in user_nl_clm in my prior simulations:

Are these files necessary or would it be okay to run the simulation without them? I don't use any clm variables so I am less familiar with what is needed in that part of the model.

Thanks so much!


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I don't know what the Ndep_* file is or what it would be used for but I see the other file here:


It doesn't have an upper case "F" in the name but I assume it's the same thing.
I don't know what the Ndep_* file is or what it would be used for but I see the other file here:


It doesn't have an upper case "F" in the name but I assume it's the same thing.
Thank you so much!