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BRCP45CN aerosol deposition input file beyond 2104

BRCP45CN aerosol deposition input file beyond 2104 Hi, I am trying to run the BRCP45CN compset at resolution f19_g16 in CESM 1.2.1 from year 2006 to 2150.The model crashes after year 2104 with the following error:  ERROR: GETFIL: FAILED to get /CESM_INPUTS/1.2.1/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero/aerosoldep_rcp4.5_monthly_1849-2104_1.9x2.5_c100403.ncI do have the aerosol deposition file "," but nothing beyond that.Could someone please point me to where I may find the aerosol deposition file beyond 2104, or how to get around this problem?  I do not see it in the input data repository. Thank you.


Staff member
There is an input file that goes beyond 2104:/glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero/ 


Staff member
The model uses interpolation along time (using the 'date' field in the input file) so that it's not necessary to have input data for each month (or finer) in the input file.That file will work fine for the 2100-2300 period.
I have not had any issues with the aerosol deposition input thus far, but I wanted to be certain. Thank you!    For my run, I also need the following files: 1.  SOLAR_TSI_Lean_1610-2404_annual_c100927.nc2. Could you please point me to where I may locate them? Thank you.


Staff member