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BSSP126 ends at 2100.

Hello CESM Forums,

I am attempting to run BSSP126 beyond 2100, however, I am encountering boundary conditions files that end at 2101, and cause simulation to abort.
>ncdump -v date
... , 21001116, 21001216, 21010116 ;

I am confused, I thought the CMIP6 simulations were supposed to go to 2300. Do extension files BSSP126 exist?



Staff member
Hello CESM Forums,

I am attempting to run BSSP126 beyond 2100, however, I am encountering boundary conditions files that end at 2101, and cause simulation to abort.
>ncdump -v date
... , 21001116, 21001216, 21010116 ;

I am confused, I thought the CMIP6 simulations were supposed to go to 2300. Do extension files BSSP126 exist?


SSP1.26 was extended to 2300 using WACCM, but not CAM6. It looks like most of the input forcings were set to cycle over year 2100.

I've attached the caseroot for the WACCM run as that may provide guidance.


  • b.e21.BWSSP126cmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-SSP1-2.6ext-WACCM.001_caseroot.tar.gz
    285.2 KB · Views: 8
The files in the atm_in look like they are set for 2101. Is there a flag I am supposed to set that tells CESM2 to keep using the same year? Granted I am changing the fossil fuels file, and I would want that to evolve.



Staff member
The files in the atm_in look like they are set for 2101. Is there a flag I am supposed to set that tells CESM2 to keep using the same year? Granted I am changing the fossil fuels file, and I would want that to evolve.


I'm not the best person to ask on forcing data settings, but the various *_type settings are set to "CYCLICAL" with a year of 2100.
Hello Everyone,

Here's an update. I have implemented the CYCLICAL and downloaded files from /glade that matched the files in the user_nl_cam from above. But I have run into an error. I am not sure why it is trying to find the next ozone file. I think it is because it is not "CYCLICAL"? Is there a flag to change that?


From the atm.log:
FIND_TIMES: Failed to find dates bracketing desired time =
filename =
datatimem = -3.00000000000000
datatimep = 31.0000000000000
incr_flnm: old filename =
incr_flnm: new filename =
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): all tries to get file have been unsuccessful:
GETFIL: FAILED to get /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/cam/ozone_strataero


Staff member
Hello Everyone,

Here's an update. I have implemented the CYCLICAL and downloaded files from /glade that matched the files in the user_nl_cam from above. But I have run into an error. I am not sure why it is trying to find the next ozone file. I think it is because it is not "CYCLICAL"? Is there a flag to change that?


From the atm.log:
FIND_TIMES: Failed to find dates bracketing desired time =
filename =
datatimem = -3.00000000000000
datatimep = 31.0000000000000
incr_flnm: old filename =
incr_flnm: new filename =
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): all tries to get file have been unsuccessful:
GETFIL: FAILED to get /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/cam/ozone_strataero

@mmills may be able to help out with that file.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Yes, the protocol for the SSP extensions calls for holding emissions other than GHGs constant at 2100 levels.

You need to make sure you have all of these settings:

ext_frc_type    = 'CYCLICAL'
ext_frc_cycle_yr = 2100

srf_emis_type    = 'CYCLICAL'
srf_emis_cycle_yr = 2100

tracer_cnst_type    = 'CYCLICAL'
tracer_cnst_cycle_yr = 2100

prescribed_ozone_type    = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr = 2100

prescribed_strataero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_strataero_cycle_yr = 2100
Thanks Mike Mills!

I am encountering a new error! The cycle year 2100 is not found in the
There's no time dimension in the file, but the data has 2101. I checked /glade to see if there was a replacement file for SSP126, but I do not see one:
/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/tracer_cnst (this is the one I am using)

Any suggestions?

from the atm.log
open_trc_datafile: cycle year not found : 2100
open_trc_datafile: cycle year not found /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/c

> ncdump -v time
ncdump: time: No such variable
> ncdump -v date
20901116, 20901216, 21010116, 21010215, 21010316, 21010416,
21010516, 21010616, 21010716, 21010816, 21010916, 21011016, 21011116,
21011216 ;
Hi Mike Mills,

I've made significant process in getting the simulations to get past 2100. However, I've encountered an error that I am not sure how to interpret.

From the cesm.log
not able to increment file name from filenames_list file: emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_ssp126_201401-210112_fv_0.9x1.25_c20190207.txt

Buildconf directory:
aircraft_specifier for ac_CO2 = /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas/emissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_ssp126_201401-210112_fv_0.9x1.25_c20190207.txt
aircraft_co2_file = /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas/
aircraft_datapath = /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas

I dump the file, and it goes to 2101, with the year 2100. Does this mean that the aircraft file is also supposed to have the "CYCLICAL" flag in the user_nl_cam file?

Hi Everyone,

I manually extended the ac_CO2 file for the aircraft to 2300 by repeating the last year and using the NCL cd_inv_calendar function.
However, the simulation executed from 2101--2104-06 and then blew up. The CESM log says that POP was aborting due to "model date maps too far beyond last date". Did anyone encounter this issue with the ocean model?


POP aborting...
model date maps too far beyond last date in file

Next previous Log
120000 21040702
Total Mass= 985.785030770776 (mb), Dry Mass= 982.880000000108 (mb
Total Precipitable Water = 29.6245499835593 (kg/m**2)
PS max = 1040.61161227701 min = 542.847628521963
U max = 128.698569949683 min = -65.5233934995738
V max = 50.6945574613802 min = -55.3489304597309
T max = 322.989243186116 min = 166.712759529969
W (mb/day) max = 2451.95579723734 min = -1783.33539574619
Average Height (geopotential units) = 2473.66640536630
PRECC max = 89.0425252669723 min = 0.000000000000000E+000
PRECL max = 257.461343323331 min = 0.000000000000000E+000
Total precp= 3.32188357537895 CON= 1.53691113218965 LS=
nstep, te 61320 0.26661541197315545E+10 0.26661555276570597E+10 0.77986355847893885E-04 0.98578503077077577E+05
nstep, te 61321 0.26661787012628756E+10 0.26661802357783484E+10 0.84998310636832597E-04 0.98578486871322835E+05
nstep, te 61322 0.26662024680729632E+10 0.26662040658813453E+10 0.88504183149677558E-04 0.98578468575182138E+05
nstep, te 61323 0.26662238793778944E+10 0.26662254791792340E+10 0.88614591575075725E-04 0.98578450220242492E+05
nstep, te 61324 0.26662436914668775E+10 0.26662453665352273E+10 0.92783726457299544E-04 0.98578428884186753E+05
nstep, te 61325 0.26662609875321288E+10 0.26662626020432534E+10 0.89429418276566324E-04 0.98578409481954412E+05

Next previous log:
hist_htapes_wrapup : Writing current time sample to local history file
nc at nstep = 61320 for history time interval beginning at
1277.25000000000 and ending at 1277.50000000000

clm: completed timestep 61321
clm: completed timestep 61322
clm: completed timestep 61323
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) file ub: /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/atm/datm7/NASA_LIS/ 1462
clm: completed timestep 61324

Next previous log
data appended to tavg file:
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) file ub: /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/ocn/pop/gx1v6/forcing/ 1
(forcing_timeseries_mod:forcing_timeseries_dataset_update_data) filename = /scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/inputdata/lnd/clm2/isotopes/
(forcing_timeseries_mod:forcing_timeseries_dataset_update_data) model_date = 2.1045001141552511E+03
(forcing_timeseries_mod:forcing_timeseries_dataset_update_data) mapped_date = 2.1045001141552511E+03
(forcing_timeseries_mod:forcing_timeseries_dataset_update_data) nbval = 251
(forcing_timeseries_mod:forcing_timeseries_dataset_update_data) time_yr(nbval) = 2.1005000000000000E+03
Hello Everyone,

I have resolved the issues getting the BSSP126 with CESM2.1.3 to execute past 2100.
This took some jiggery pokery to get it to work, and I am listing the changes I made to make this work. Thanks to the the folks at NCAR for their insights and guidance.


In the user_nl_cam file:

ext_frc_type = 'CYCLICAL'
ext_frc_cycle_yr = 2100

srf_emis_type = 'CYCLICAL'
srf_emis_cycle_yr = 2100

tracer_cnst_type = 'CYCLICAL'
tracer_cnst_cycle_yr = 2100

prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr = 2100

prescribed_strataero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_strataero_cycle_yr = 2100

# This file had to be manually extended past 2100. Personally, I extended it to 2300 (holding 2100 values constant).
aircraft_co2_file = 'THEemissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_file'
aircraft_datapath = 'PATHTOFILE'
aircraft_specifier = 'ac_CO2 -> TEXTFILE_WITH_FILENAME.txt'

# These files had to be manually extended past 2100. In this case, only adding 2101 was necessary.
ext_frc_specifier = 'H2O -> PATHTOFILE/'
'num_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/' # This file was not changed.
'num_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/'
'num_a2 -> PATHTOFILE/'
'so4_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/'. #This file was not changed
'so4_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/'
'so4_a2 -> PATHTOFILE/'

# This file had to be manually extended past 2100. Personally, I extended it to 2101 (holding 2100 values constant).
tracer_cnst_datapath = '/scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/modified_inputdata/SSP126_Extension_files/tracer_cnst_type'
tracer_cnst_file = ''

in the user_nl_pop
# this file had to be manually extended to 2300.
abio_atm_d14c_filename = '/scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/modified_inputdata/SSP126_Extension_files/ocn_type/'
# simulations past 2100 are have CFL criteria being exceeded in MARBL. Recommended change is to change the dt_count
dt_count = 48


Staff member
Hello Everyone,

I have resolved the issues getting the BSSP126 with CESM2.1.3 to execute past 2100.
This took some jiggery pokery to get it to work, and I am listing the changes I made to make this work. Thanks to the the folks at NCAR for their insights and guidance.


In the user_nl_cam file:

ext_frc_type = 'CYCLICAL'
ext_frc_cycle_yr = 2100

srf_emis_type = 'CYCLICAL'
srf_emis_cycle_yr = 2100

tracer_cnst_type = 'CYCLICAL'
tracer_cnst_cycle_yr = 2100

prescribed_ozone_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_ozone_cycle_yr = 2100

prescribed_strataero_type = 'CYCLICAL'
prescribed_strataero_cycle_yr = 2100

# This file had to be manually extended past 2100. Personally, I extended it to 2300 (holding 2100 values constant).
aircraft_co2_file = 'THEemissions-cmip6_CO2_anthro_ac_file'
aircraft_datapath = 'PATHTOFILE'
aircraft_specifier = 'ac_CO2 -> TEXTFILE_WITH_FILENAME.txt'

# These files had to be manually extended past 2100. In this case, only adding 2101 was necessary.
ext_frc_specifier = 'H2O -> PATHTOFILE/'
'num_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/' # This file was not changed.
'num_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/'
'num_a2 -> PATHTOFILE/'
'so4_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/'. #This file was not changed
'so4_a1 -> PATHTOFILE/'
'so4_a2 -> PATHTOFILE/'

# This file had to be manually extended past 2100. Personally, I extended it to 2101 (holding 2100 values constant).
tracer_cnst_datapath = '/scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/modified_inputdata/SSP126_Extension_files/tracer_cnst_type'
tracer_cnst_file = ''

in the user_nl_pop
# this file had to be manually extended to 2300.
abio_atm_d14c_filename = '/scratch/snx3000/jbuzan/modified_inputdata/SSP126_Extension_files/ocn_type/'
# simulations past 2100 are have CFL criteria being exceeded in MARBL. Recommended change is to change the dt_count
dt_count = 48

Thanks for passing this along! Very helpful.