New Member
I try to build a branch run after a coupled startup run of 40 years, as I'd like to change the history frequency for the atmosphere and land module. In the first 40 years (called origcase) the frequency is 1 month and that works fine. Now I'd like to add h1 files with a frequency of 1 day and I found out that I need a branch run in that case. This branch case starts in year 41 on jan 1st.
For some reason the h1 files are not created for the cam and lnd part. Furthermore, the pop model has troubles with restart files.
So my question is, how I should build the cam and clm model to create h1 files with daily frequency. Furthermore, I'd want to know how the ice and ocn model must be build in a branch case.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could have a look at my namelists.
regards, car
This is what I changed:
setenv CASE branch
setenv RUN_TYPE branch # [startup,hybrid,branch]
setenv RUN_STARTDATE 0001-01-01
setenv RUN_REFCASE origcase
setenv RUN_REFDATE 0041-01-01
Are these dates ok?
setenv CONTINUE_RUN FALSE is this ok? it's the first branch part, so no restart here
set runtype = 'branch'
start_date = 00410101
start_bfile = '$EXEROOT/cpl/origcase.cpl6.r.0041-01-01-00000'
set runtype = 'branch'
nrevsn = '$EXEROOT/atm/origcase.cam2.r.0041-01-01-00000'
nsrest = 3
start_ymd = 00401201
nhtfrq = 0,-24
mfilt = 1,1
set runtype = 'branch'
set nrevsn = '$EXEROOT/lnd/origcase.clm2.r.0041-01-01-00000'
nsrest = 3
start_ymd = 00401201
hist_nhtfrq = 0,-24
hist_mfilt = 1,1
set runtype = 'branch'
set restart = .true. is this ok?
set no_ice_ic = .false.
set rstfile = origcase.csim.r.0041-01-01-00000
histfreq = 'd'
set runtype = 'branch'
set ictype = $runtype
setenv INIT_TS_FILE origcase.pop.r.0041-01-01-00000 with proper paths etc
setenv TAVG_TS_FILE origcase.pop.rh.0041-01-01-00000
set IYEAR0 = 41
set IMONTH0 = 1
set IDAY0 = 1
@ IDAY0 = $IDAY0 + 1
I try to build a branch run after a coupled startup run of 40 years, as I'd like to change the history frequency for the atmosphere and land module. In the first 40 years (called origcase) the frequency is 1 month and that works fine. Now I'd like to add h1 files with a frequency of 1 day and I found out that I need a branch run in that case. This branch case starts in year 41 on jan 1st.
For some reason the h1 files are not created for the cam and lnd part. Furthermore, the pop model has troubles with restart files.
So my question is, how I should build the cam and clm model to create h1 files with daily frequency. Furthermore, I'd want to know how the ice and ocn model must be build in a branch case.
I'd really appreciate it if someone could have a look at my namelists.
regards, car
This is what I changed:
setenv CASE branch
setenv RUN_TYPE branch # [startup,hybrid,branch]
setenv RUN_STARTDATE 0001-01-01
setenv RUN_REFCASE origcase
setenv RUN_REFDATE 0041-01-01
Are these dates ok?
setenv CONTINUE_RUN FALSE is this ok? it's the first branch part, so no restart here
set runtype = 'branch'
start_date = 00410101
start_bfile = '$EXEROOT/cpl/origcase.cpl6.r.0041-01-01-00000'
set runtype = 'branch'
nrevsn = '$EXEROOT/atm/origcase.cam2.r.0041-01-01-00000'
nsrest = 3
start_ymd = 00401201
nhtfrq = 0,-24
mfilt = 1,1
set runtype = 'branch'
set nrevsn = '$EXEROOT/lnd/origcase.clm2.r.0041-01-01-00000'
nsrest = 3
start_ymd = 00401201
hist_nhtfrq = 0,-24
hist_mfilt = 1,1
set runtype = 'branch'
set restart = .true. is this ok?
set no_ice_ic = .false.
set rstfile = origcase.csim.r.0041-01-01-00000
histfreq = 'd'
set runtype = 'branch'
set ictype = $runtype
setenv INIT_TS_FILE origcase.pop.r.0041-01-01-00000 with proper paths etc
setenv TAVG_TS_FILE origcase.pop.rh.0041-01-01-00000
set IYEAR0 = 41
set IMONTH0 = 1
set IDAY0 = 1
@ IDAY0 = $IDAY0 + 1