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build CICE with icepack


New Member
I am just beginning with CICE and would like to start running one of the test case.
Before that compiling is a necessary state. But i don't get how to link it with icepack.

So i first mange icepack in as a mycase1, then i try to compile CICE as mycase2 with some INCLUDE and SLIB PATH to icepack in my Marcro.XXX_XX file.

While include are read OK i guess i have some problems with library when linking the whole code.

mpiifort -o /home1/datawork/xcouvela/CICEDIRS/CICE_RUNS/mycase2/cice -qopenmp CICE.o CICE_FinalMod.o CICE_InitMod.o CICE_RunMod.o ice_arrays_column.o ice_blocks.o ice_boundary.o ice_broadcast.o ice_calendar.o ice_communicate.o ice_constants.o ice_diagnostics.o ice_diagnostics_bgc.o ice_distribution.o ice_domain.o ice_domain_size.o ice_dyn_core1d.o ice_dyn_eap.o ice_dyn_evp.o ice_dyn_evp1d.o ice_dyn_shared.o ice_dyn_vp.o ice_exit.o ice_fileunits.o ice_flux.o ice_flux_bgc.o ice_forcing.o ice_forcing_bgc.o ice_gather_scatter.o ice_global_reductions.o ice_grid.o ice_history.o ice_history_bgc.o ice_history_drag.o ice_history_fsd.o ice_history_mechred.o ice_history_pond.o ice_history_shared.o ice_history_snow.o ice_history_write.o ice_init.o ice_init_column.o ice_kinds_mod.o ice_memusage.o ice_memusage_gptl.o ice_read_write.o ice_reprosum.o ice_restart.o ice_restart_column.o ice_restart_driver.o ice_restart_shared.o ice_restoring.o ice_shr_reprosum86.o ice_spacecurve.o ice_state.o ice_step_mod.o ice_timers.o ice_transport_driver.o ice_transport_remap.o -L/home/datawork-wave/NETCDF2019/INTEL/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -lmpi -L/home1/datawork/xcouvela/CICEDIRS/CICE_RUNS/mycase1/compile
CICE_FinalMod.o: In function `cice_finalmod_mp_cice_finalize_':
CICE_FinalMod.F90:(.text+0x36): undefined reference to `icepack_warnings_mp_icepack_warnings_flush_'
CICE_FinalMod.F90:(.text+0x3f): undefined reference to `icepack_warnings_mp_icepack_warnings_aborted_'
.... and so on for +100 lines

I have notice that in Macro.machine given there is not any one with include or lib pointing to icepack.

So i guess i missed something, i hope someone can help.




New Member
Got it working (easily).
when i 'git clone' CICE Icpack dit was empty . And i 'git clone' icepack on a extra directory, compiles it blablabla... .
Then i just moved the content of my Icepack dir to CICE/icepack and it works like a sharm !


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Right. You need to make sure to do a git clone --recursive to get the Icepack submodule.