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Build Error: emis_fcmp%coeff not defined within CNFireEmissionsMod.F90

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I'm running a development version of CLM (ctsm5.1.dev034) that includes some changes to Arctic Phenology from Birch et al. 2021 which is relevant for my research.
I've attached my log file and summarise the errors below and what I think is happening.

This doesnt appear to be compiler-specific and looks like it is simply saying that it doesnt recognise 'coeff' as a field exisiting within the structure 'emis_cmp' as currently defined:

components/clm/src/biogeochem/CNFireEmissionsMod.F90(282): error #6460: This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure [COEFF]
emis_flux(icomp) = emis_cmp%coeff *comp(icomp)%emis(p)

Thanks in advance - I realise since this is a dev version, there may not necessarily be the support there but to me this seems a fairly obvious error, I'm not sure how to correct it



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