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building new case

Hi Eaton,

i have make all the test run on CAM4.0 now i want to run CAM4.0 with new case. i read all CAM2.0, CAM3.0 documentation and now reading for CAM4.0 as well. i am new user so now i am a bit confused how to go for it.
i would also like to write new history file with only fields TREFHT and precipitation. at the same time i am confused about NHTFRQ to change the writing frequency of history file.
so please suggest me the appropriate steps to built new case and make run with desired output fields and data writing frequency in new history file.
i am running on Linux cluster with Intel compiler(Cent OS 5.3 with 16 node ,128 processors each node having 8 processors).
so please help mo to get on track so that i can proceed Ahead.

Thank you in advance.

IIT Delhi,


CSEG and Liaisons
You can change characteristics of the history output without rebuilding CAM. The history output is controlled dynamically using namelist variables.

If you only want to output just a few fields then it's best to start by removing all the fields that are output to the primary history file (the h0 file) by default. To do this you set empty_htapes=.true. in the namelist.

The variable nhtfrq is described in the namelist documentation along with all the other variables that affect the history output. See

As an example, if you want to produce a history file that contains only daily average values of TREFHT you would include the following information in the build-namelist command:

% build-namelist -namelist "&atm empty_htapes=.true. fincl1='TREFHT' nhtfrq=-24 /"
Thank you sir,

sir i am changing the characteristics of history file same as you suggested.
particularly i am choosing dyne -fv with resolution 0.47x0.63. and for one year run.
at the same time i used to set namelist variable nhtfrq by no. of time steps for this(fv) core i found it is 48(which is to be conferm????) related to Dtime.
i want to write 2 history file with different characteristics. for this i am using the command as given below.

/shome/2009ast3222/CAM4/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -test -config /shome/2009ast3222/CAM4/Sctest/bld0.47_1y_2f/config_cache.xml -namelist "&camexp stop_option='ndays', stop_n=365 nhtfrq=0,48 ndens=2 mfilt=1,30 hfilename_spec='' empty_htapes=.true. fincl1='TREFHT:A','PRECT:A' /"

my run got terminated with following message ..

(OPNFIL): Successfully opened file ./camrun.clm2.r.0000-03-01-00000 on unit=
Successfully wrote local restart file ./camrun.clm2.r.0000-03-01-00000

WSHIST: writing time sample 0 to h-file 1 DATE=0000/03/01 NCSEC= 0

WSHIST: New filename same as old file =
Is there an error in your filename specifiers?
hfilename_spec( 1 ) =

ENDRUN: called without a message string
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0[cli_0]: aborting job:
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0
QNEG4 WARNING from TPHYSAC Max possible LH flx exceeded at 1 points. , Worst excess = -1.2882E-05, lchnk = ***, i = 13, same as indices lat = 34, lon = 263
rank 0 in job 1 ajaymeru.cas.iitd.ernet.in_54366 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 0: killed by signal 9

it seems there is something wrong with the file name specification (is writing 2 file require name specification individually for each?????)

so, please suggest me to get rid off this so that i can move ahead fast..

Thank you sir,

IIT Delhi
New Delhi -16


CSEG and Liaisons
The hfilename_spec that you are using for the h0 file (monthly average data since nhtfrq(1)=0) only produces a single filename, i.e., So when it's time to write data for the 2nd month the job fails because it can't produce a filename that is different from the one it just wrote. Note that the default for hfilename_spec(1) = "". This adds the year and month to the name so that each month gets a unique filename. Note that hfilename_spec is described in the namelist document.

The way you've specified the history output you will only get monthly average output of TREFHT and PRECT because fincl1 adds fields to the primary history file (the h0 file). If you want the normal monthy output, and wish to have an addition output file that contains daily average values of TREFHT and PRECT then set the namelist up like this (without empty_htapes=.true.)


Note that fincl2 is adding fields to the first auxiliary history file (the h1 file).

Or, if you only want daily output of TREFHT and PRECT then the namelist should contain the following:

Hi, eaton, I am running cesm1_0, the case F_1850_CAM5 on hopper, I set the namelist as follows and want to get the daily average of the specified variable FSDS in date labeled file series. however, even the model has been run 15 days, I only get one file I opened this file and found that although the variable FSDS is indeed appears in the metadata, the time dimension is : " time = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently) " , I try to print the var with ncdump -v FSDS, and find that this variable is empty. I am deeply confused what is causing the problem. thank you very much.

I have made sure all the output line in the source code is opened:
call addfld ('FSDS ','W/m2 ',1, 'A','Downwelling solar flux at surface',phys_decomp, sampling_seq='rad_lwsw')
call add_default ('FSDS ', 1, ' ')
call outfld('FSDS ',fsds ,pcols,lchnk)

The namelist is:

bnd_topo = '/global/scratch/sd/user/control/../data_fc5/atm/cam/topo/'
cam_branch_file = ' '
del2coef = 3.e+5
div24del2flag = 2
dtime = 1800
fft_flt = 1
modal_optics = '/global/scratch/sd/user/control/../data_fc5/atm/cam/physprops/'
ncdata = '/global/scratch/sd/user/control/data_fc5/atm/cam/inic/fv/'
npr_yz = 32,6,6,32
phys_loadbalance = 2
print_energy_errors = .false.


CSEG and Liaisons
Your setup looks OK to me. Maybe this is a filesystem issue. If you try looking at the file before the model run has finished it's possible that the output buffer hasn't been flushed.
Thank you very much, eaton, actually, the model has been crashed after running 15 days, that's the reason why I can not got the file containing daily ave, also I have try another case in which I can got the daily ave output file after the model complete successfully.