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Hello,I am running cam5 using cesm1_0_4 script. I am trying to modify the [cam_comp. F90] and [radsw. F90] codes to add additional heating ‘qrs’ vertically to the atmosphere by using aerosol-forcing data set that are 3 dimensional,absp(lon,month,lat).the temporal interpolation for absp is done as, do i=1,Nday ! number of daylight columnsn=IdxDay(i) ! indices of daylight columns nlat=get_lat_p(lchnk,n) ! lat index nlon=get_lon_p(lchnk,n)!lon indexFa(i)=dble(Absp(nlon,mo_prv,nlat))*fact1 Fa(i)=Fa(i)+dble(Absp(nlon,mo_nxt,nlat))*fact2For this, call get_timeinterp_factors (.true., mo_nxt, cdaym, cdayp, caldayloc, &fact1, fact2, 'GET_data:') was used.I have 4-dimensional CALIPSO data for aerosol extinction profiles variable called ascaldata[lon,month,lat,lev] and I want to put weight on vertical heating based on caldata. So caldata are also temporally interpolated as,Do k=1,pvercalextt(i,k)= dble(caldata(nlon,mo_prv,nlat,k))*fact1calextt(i,k)=calextt(i,k)+dble(caldata(nlon,mo_nxt,nlat,k))*fact2end doMay be should I use some vertical indices (chunk index like nlat and nlon) instead of k index in the expression above? If yes, ould you please advise me what it would be in this case.When I multiply Fa(i) by calextt(i,k) it does not seem working properly. So I am guessing that I also need to interpolate calextt(i,k) vertically. I am not quite sure how to do this. I see subroutine called, ‘vertinterp (ncol,ncold,nlev,pmid,pout,arrin,arrout)’ in module called [interpolate_data.F90] and trying to use this but I am having trouble in calculating dpl (lower level pressure difference), dpu(upper level pressure difference) I am not sure how to calculate these variables (dpl,dpu), also having trouble in defining ncold, and index called 'kupper (i)' in the code. I am also not sure what value to use for 'Pout (out put pressure level)', is this 1000.0? My guess is that variable ‘arrin’ should be replaced by my temporally interpolated data (i.e., variable ‘calextt(i,k)’) as given above.I would highly appreciate your help on this. Thank you. Best regards,DK