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CAM5 timing history


New Member
I am running CAM-5.1.1 in its standalone mode at 0.5 deg. resolution. After a successfull run, I was looking for a file providing a summary of the throughput and cost of the run. I could only see a file named 'ccsm_timing' which gives minute details about the performance of each model component at initialization and run-time with respect to individual CPUs. But I could not find a total summary of the estimated throughput and cost as given by the file ccsm_timing.$CASE.$date (produced when the model is run from the coupled framework). I wonder if this is the nature of the standalone runs or the user has to manually activate the writing of total timing history. In the latter case, how can one do so?

Thank you !


CSEG and Liaisons
Look in the output log file. At the very end of the file you should find a timing summary that looks like this

(seq_mct_drv): =============== SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION OF CPL7-CCSM ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== at YMD,TOD = 103 0 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== # simulated days (this run) = 2.000 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== compute time (hrs) = 0.331 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== # simulated years / cmp-day = 0.397 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes min memory highwater (MB) 2201.697 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes max memory highwater (MB) 2201.697 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes min memory last usage (MB) -0.001 ===============
(seq_mct_drv): =============== pes max memory last usage (MB) -0.001 ===============