I've run 10 years of the fully coupled and super-parmaeterized CESM. I want to run another atmosphere-only experiment that uses climatological SSTs from the first. I intended to do what is described in this post: http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.1/cesm/doc/usersguide/x2410.htmlHowever, the POP monthly output does not include SST by default, and I forgot to add it. The run was very costly, so running it again is not an option. On the other hand, in the CAM monthly output I have surface temperature (TS) and surface sea-ice fraction (ICEFRAC). So, can I make the data ocean surface forcing file from TS and ICEFRAC in the CAM monthly output?Do I need to be concerned about the points that are partially covered by land?Will the "bcgen" utility take care of the time diddling? Thanks,