Another thing that you'll need to change is that there is only one digit allowed for the stream number for the history file names (so clm2.h0. to clm2.h9.) to get this to work you'll have to allow two digits for the filenames.
I think you will also need to change the dimensions of other affected variables in the namelist definition file from 10 to 12, e.g., :
<entry id="hist_mfilt" type="integer(10)" category="history"
Hello Erik and Keith. Thank you for the help!
Besides the modifications I described in #2, I also modified other affected variables and the digit allowed for the stream number. In summary, my modifications include:
1. In ~/cesm2.1.2/components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_clm4_5.xml, I added namelist hist_fexcl11~17,hist_fincl11~17 (now I am trying to change the maximum tape number to 17 for later use):
<entry id="hist_fincl17" type="char*64(1000)" category="history"
group="clm_inparm" valid_values="" >
Fields to add to history tape series 11.
I also modified other affected variables (hist_dov2xy, hist_mfilt, hist_ndens ect.):
<entry id="hist_dov2xy" type="logical(17)" category="history"
2. In controlMod.F90 and histFileMod.F90, I changed the max_tapes = 17. Wherever I saw statements relevant to fincl and fexcl, I add the same statements for hist_fexcl11~17,hist_fincl11~17.
Then I assigned len=2 to the hist index in histFileMod.F90:
character(len=2) :: hnum ! history file index
character(len= 2) :: hist_index !p,1 or 2 (currently)
With these Modifications, I can run a simulation with 17 hist tapes successfully. However, in the archive, there are 9 tapes named as XX.clm2.h1~h9. The 10th and 11th tapes are named as XX.clm2.h
*, and the 13th to 17th tapes are not archived. I am not sure where else I need to modify...Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
I've attahced the Modified F90 files and xml files, and my test case can be found at /glade/scratch/keerzhang/archive/b.e21.BSSP585.f09_g16.SSP5_UC_indiv_soil3_1_5. Thank you very much!