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Peter park
New Member
Hello everyone, after porting the cesm1_3_feta17_dehires38 version, I encountered an error when creating the case,
The bldlog file is attached below. As my technical skills are not very good, could you please help me solve it? If there is anything that needs to be added, please feel free to point it out - Build clm4_0 Library
Wed Jul 24 09:32:20 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/lnd.bldlog.240724-092717
Wed Jul 24 09:34:14 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/ice.bldlog.240724-092717
Wed Jul 24 09:35:28 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/ocn.bldlog.240724-092717
Wed Jul 24 09:38:13 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/glc.bldlog.240724-092717
Wed Jul 24 09:38:14 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/wav.bldlog.240724-092717
Wed Jul 24 09:38:14 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/rof.bldlog.240724-092717
Wed Jul 24 09:38:28 CST 2024 /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/cesm.bldlog.240724-092717
ERROR: cesm.buildexe.csh failed, see /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/cesm.bldlog.240724-092717
ERROR: cat /home/export/online1/systest/congyuhao/cesm/software/cesm/cesm1_3_beta17_sehires38/scripts/cases/test_case3/bld/cesm.bldlog.240724-092717
Here is the bldlog file attached.


  • cesm.bldlog.240724-092717.txt
    18.8 KB · Views: 2


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Check the gptlbldlog - it looks like the gptl library was not built correctly - normally you would expect the build to stop and the error to be reported at that point - but for some reason that didn't happen this time. You might try removing the bld directory and starting from scratch.


Peter park
New Member
I found that after compiling the functions, they were underlined, so I added - DFFORTRANENDERSCORE to CFLAGS. The number of functions that couldn't be linked decreased, but system_ still couldn't be removed with an underline and couldn't be connected. How can I solve this problem,


  • cesm.txt
    4.2 KB · Views: 1