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CCSM Support Policy Released - Revised Feb 14, 2005


***See Feb 14, 2005 revision below***

The following is the verbatim Jan 2005 CCSM Support Policy:

CCSM Support Policy

Code and Scripts

By CCSM we refer to the entire CCSM system and each component that
it comprises. If components are also released in a stand-alone form
(e.g. CAM), the stand-alone components will independently provide
their own support policy.

CCSM has several release categories which are denoted by the
numbering system CCSMx.y.z where "x" refers to a major release, "y"
refers to substantive changes in functionality, and "z" denotes
implementation changes which are not climate changing or which
involve bug fixes.

CCSM code and scripts are supported for three years after the date of a
major release or for six months after the next major release,
whichever period is longer. Non-major releases do not have an
effect on this time period. Released code, scripts and associated
input datasets for major as well as non-major releases will be
available on the web for that period.

* Support for CSM1 has expired.
* Support for CCSM2.0 and CCSM2.0.1 will continue until May 2005.
* Support for CCSM3.0 will continue until at least June 2007.

CCSM will also provide periodic updates (i.e. beta releases) of
scripts and/or code that support the addition of new machines to
CCSM3. These beta release updates will not have undergone the
extensive testing associated with formal releases and will therefore
not be supported. They will be provided for the benefit of the user
community in order to more easily keep up with machine-specific
improvements to CCSM3.

CCSM will always ensure the availability of code/scripts and
associated input datasets on a website.

Input Data

Input data files will accompany model source code and documentation
for each release and correspond to the default data required by
the run scripts provided with the release.

Machine categories:

Category 1: Fully Supported Machines (e.g. Climate Validated)
Category 2: Machines where CCSM passes restart test
Category 3: Machines where CCSM builds and might run
Category 4: Machines under consideration

The addition of new machines to, or removal of old systems from, the
Category 1 class will be based upon the availability of future
CCSM production capability.

Levels of Support

CCSM support will be machine-specific:

Category 1: active support will be provided for compiling and running
code on Category 1 machines. Because of limited CCSM support
resources, should a user encounter a problem on a platform
that is functionally equivalent to a Category 1 machine,
support will only be given if the user migrates his code
to an actual Category 1 machine and demonstrates the problem
Category 2: support will be provided for compiling on Category 2 machines
Category 3: support will be provided for compiling on Category 3 machines
Category 4: no support will be provided

How Support is Provided

The CCSM Software Engineering Group (CSEG) has implemented a
new CCSM bulletin board addressing issues such as porting to
unsupported machines, data inquiries and bug reports. CSEG
monitors this forum on a daily basis and notifies appropriate
CSEG members or CCSM liaisons of issues that need response.

All problems occurring in both "plain vanilla" CCSM and
non-standard CCSM (i.e. modified code and/or datasets) should
be posted on the CCSM bulletin board.

Non-standard CCSM can encompass the following scenarios:

- The user is using build/run scripts other than the ones in
the release
- The user has modified the released CCSM source code
- The user is using input/boundary data sets other than the ones in
the release
- The user is using configurations of the system that have not
been tested by CCSM (e.g. T5_gx3v5, T170_gx1v3)

CSEG will be responsible for directing all user problems to the
the appropriate CSEG liaison or CCSM scientific liaison. CSEG will
be "first responders" to problems occurring in "plain vanilla"
CCSM. Scientific liaisons will be "first responders" to problems
arising when modified code or datasets are used. Problems with
non-standard CCSM will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis that
will be up to the discretion of either the CSEG liaison or the
CCSM scientific liaison.

When problems are resolved, the CCSM User's Guide, FAQ and CCSM
bulletin board will be updated to reflect the resolution.


CCSM Support Policy as of Feb. 14, 2005

Code and Scripts

By CCSM we refer to the entire CCSM system and each component that
it comprises. If components are also released in a stand-alone form
(e.g. CAM), the stand-alone components will independently provide
their own support policy.

CCSM has several release categories which are denoted by the
numbering system CCSMx.y.z where "x" refers to a major release, "y"
refers to substantive changes in functionality, and "z" denotes
implementation changes which are not climate changing or which
involve bug fixes.

CCSM code and scripts are supported for three years after the date of a
major release or for six months after the next major release,
whichever period is longer. Non-major releases do not have an
effect on this time period. Released code, scripts and associated
input datasets for major as well as non-major releases will be
available on the web for that period.

* Support for CSM1 has expired.
* Support for CCSM2.0 and CCSM2.0.1 will continue until May 2005.
* Support for CCSM3.0 will continue until at least June 2007.

CCSM will also provide periodic updates (i.e. patch distributions) of
scripts and/or code that support the addition of new machines to
CCSM3. These patch distributions will not have undergone the
extensive testing associated with formal releases and will therefore
not be supported. They will be provided for the benefit of the user
community in order to more easily keep up with machine-specific
improvements to CCSM3.

NOTE: CSEG is not planning any periodic updates during the spring
of 2005.

CCSM will always ensure the availability of code/scripts and
associated input datasets on the CCSM website.

Input Data

Input data files will accompany model source code and documentation
for each release and correspond to the default data required by
the run scripts provided with the release.

Machine categories:

Category 1: Fully Supported Machines (e.g. Climate Validated)
Category 2: Machines where CCSM passes restart test
Category 3: Machines where CCSM builds and might run
Category 4: Machines under consideration

The addition of new machines to, or removal of old systems from, the
Category 1 class will be based upon the availability of future
CCSM production capability.

Levels of Support

CCSM support will be machine-specific:

Category 1: active support will be provided for compiling and running
code on Category 1 machines. Because of limited CCSM support
resources, should a user encounter a problem on a platform
that is functionally equivalent to a Category 1 machine,
support will only be given if the user migrates his code
to an actual Category 1 machine and demonstrates the problem
Category 2: support will be provided for compiling on Category 2 machines
Category 3: support will be provided for compiling on Category 3 machines
Category 4: no support will be provided

How Support is Provided

The CCSM Software Engineering Group (CSEG) has implemented a
new CCSM bulletin board addressing issues such as porting to
unsupported machines, data inquiries and bug reports. CSEG
monitors this forum as time and priorities permit and when
appropriate notifies relevant CSEG members or CCSM liaisons
of issues that need response.

All problems occurring in both "plain vanilla" CCSM and
non-standard CCSM (i.e. modified code and/or datasets) should
be posted on the CCSM bulletin board. CSEG will not have
a staff member dedicated to monitoring the bulletin board.
CSEG staff will monitor the bulletin board as time and priorities

Non-standard CCSM can encompass the following scenarios:
- The user is using build/run scripts other than the ones in
the release
- The user has modified the released CCSM source code
- The user is using input/boundary data sets other than the ones in
the release
- The user is using configurations of the system that have not
been tested by CCSM (e.g. T5_gx3v5, T170_gx1v3)

Problems with non-standard CCSM will be dealt with on a case-by-case
basis that will be up to the discretion of either the relevant CSEG liaison
or CCSM scientific liaison.

When problems are resolved, the CCSM User's Guide, FAQ and CCSM
bulletin board will be updated as time permits to reflect the