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CESM build process problem


New Member
What version of the code are you using?

Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
export PERL5LIB=/rhome/tzhu/.conda/envs/perl_env/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
conda activate perl_env
source /etc/profile.d/

module unload openmpi

module load cmake

module load intel

source /opt/linux/centos/7.x/x86_64/pkgs/intel/2018/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/bin/ intel64
source /opt/linux/centos/7.x/x86_64/pkgs/intel/2018/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/mkl/bin/ intel64
source /opt/linux/centos/7.x/x86_64/pkgs/intel/2018/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/ intel64
# HDF5
export TACC_HDF5_LIB=/opt/linux/centos/7.x/x86_64/pkgs/hdf5/1.8.18_intel/lib
export LD_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/linux/centos/7.x/x86_64/pkgs/netcdf/$LD_INCLUDE_PATH

# Set NETCDF_PATH environment variable (optional, modify based on actual installation path)
module load netcdf/
module load netcdf-fortran/4.4.4_intel
export NETCDF_PATH=/opt/linux/centos/7.x/x86_64/pkgs/netcdf-fortran/4.4.4_intel/

cd ..../my_cesm2.2.2_sandbox/cime/scripts

./create_newcase --case .../cesm2_runs/case/CESM-F2000-ts --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset F2000climo --mach ucr-hpcc --compiler intel

./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id STOP_OPTION --val nyear
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id STOP_N --val 1
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id REST_N --val 1
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id RESUBMIT --val 0
./xmlchange RUN_TYPE="startup"
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id RUN_STARTDATE --val 0000-01-01

./check_input_data --download

If this is a port to a new machine: Please attach any files you added or changed for the machine port (e.g., config_compilers.xml, config_machines.xml, and config_batch.xml) and tell us the compiler version you are using on this machine.
Please attach any log files showing error messages or other useful information.

I change config files:

in config_compilers.xml added:
<compiler COMPILER="intel" MACH="ucr-hpcc">

in config_machines.xml added:
<machine MACH="ucr-hpcc">
<DESC>UCR HPCC cluster with appropriate modules</DESC>
<NODENAME_REGEX>r27</NODENAME_REGEX> <!-- Adjust to match the UCR HPCC hostname -->
<COMPILERS>intel</COMPILERS> <!-- Modify based on the available compiler, e.g., intel or gnu -->
<MPILIBS>mpich</MPILIBS> <!-- Modify based on your MPI library -->
<BATCH_SYSTEM>slurm</BATCH_SYSTEM> <!-- Modify this if the cluster uses a specific batch system -->
<MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE>32</MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE> <!-- Modify based on your system's configuration -->
<mpirun mpilib="default">
<arg name="ntasks"> -np {{ total_tasks }} </arg>
<module_system type="module">
<!-- Load necessary modules for UCR HPCC -->

in config_batch.xml added:
<batch_system MACH="ucr-hpcc" type="slurm">
<directive>-l nodes={{ num_nodes }}:ppn={{ tasks_per_node }}</directive>
<directive default="/bin/bash" > -S {{ shell }} </directive>
<queue walltimemax="36:00:00" default="true">batch</queue>

when I run ./, there are some errors. I attached the build log with errors info.
cat: Filepath: No such file or directory
cat: Srcfiles: No such file or directory
cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gmake: *** [/bigdata/*/cesm2_runs/output/CESM-F2000-ts/bld/intel/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct/pio/pio2/Makefile] Error 127
ERROR: cat: Filepath: No such file or directory
cat: Srcfiles: No such file or directory
cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gmake: *** [/bigdata/*/cesm2_runs/output/CESM-F2000-ts/bld/intel/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct/pio/pio2/Makefile] Error 127


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