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CESM ./ error


Dr Mahesh
New Member
Hello !!
I am executing cesm1_2_2. I have successfully created a case and I have done ./cesm_setup.
Now for ./, I am getting the following error.

rm: No match.
COMPILER is cray
- Build Libraries: mct gptl pio csm_share
Thu Nov 4 10:01:29 IST 2021 /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/CLM_run/example3/bld/cray/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct.bldlog.211104-100127
ERROR: buildlib.mct failed, see /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/CLM_run/example3/bld/cray/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct.bldlog.211104-100127
ERROR: cat /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/CLM_run/example3/bld/cray/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct.bldlog.211104-100127

How can solve this error.?

Thank you


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
What does it say in /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/CLM_run/example3/bld/cray/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct.bldlog.211104-100127?


Dr Mahesh
New Member
Thu Nov 4 11:42:13 IST 2021 /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct.bldlog.211104-114211
setenv MCT_DIR /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct
setenv LIBDIR /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads
setenv MCT_LIBDIR /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct
echo MCT_LIBDIR /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct
MCT_LIBDIR /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct
cd /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct
echo Copying source to CCSM EXEROOT...
Copying source to CCSM EXEROOT...
cp /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct/Makefile .
mkdir mct
mkdir: mct: File exists
cp /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct/mct/Makefile mct
mkdir mpeu
mkdir: mpeu: File exists
cp /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct/mpeu/Makefile mpeu
mkdir mpi-serial
mkdir: mpi-serial: File exists
cp /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/models/utils/mct/mpi-serial/Makefile mpi-serial
set runconf = 0
set runclean = 0
echo Running configure...
Running configure...
echo for OS=Mac MACH=homebrew
for OS=Mac MACH=homebrew
gmake -f /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/Tools/Makefile /Users/mahesh/cesm1_2_2/scripts/mycase/bld/gnu/mpich/nodebug/nothreads/mct/Makefile.conf
gmake: Command not found.
if ( 0 == 1 ) then
cp -p Makefile.conf Makefile.conf.old
cp: Makefile.conf: No such file or directory
gmake: Command not found.
exit 1


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Sounds like you do not have GNU make on your system? Or at least it is not in your path.


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You should be able to find gnu make on your system, or have it installed, or install a version yourself. What machine and system are you running on? Part of the machine configure decides what the name should be used for "gmake". On many systems you distinquish between gnu make and regular make by calling the former "gmake" and the later "make". But, that convention isn't universal. And on some systems "make" is actually a version of gnu make.


Dr Mahesh
New Member
Dear Professor !!
I am referring surface data file "" in that I found PCT_SAND values
44 ;
What are these values represents ? Are they percent sand value in each soil level layer (nlevsoil = 10) ?

Where can I get details of each values variable name ?

Thanking You


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Yes, percent sand.
You can get a short description of the variables from the long_name attribute by doing an ncdump -h on the file, e.g.,

netcdf surfdata_0.9x1.25_hist_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c190214 {
lsmlon = 288 ;
lsmlat = 192 ;
nglcec = 10 ;
nglcecp1 = 11 ;
numurbl = 3 ;
nlevurb = 5 ;
numrad = 2 ;
nchar = 256 ;
nlevsoi = 10 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently)
lsmpft = 79 ;
natpft = 15 ;
cft = 64 ;
int mxsoil_color ;
mxsoil_color:long_name = "maximum numbers of soil colors" ;
mxsoil_color:units = "unitless" ;
int SOIL_COLOR(lsmlat, lsmlon) ;
SOIL_COLOR:long_name = "soil color" ;
SOIL_COLOR:units = "unitless" ;
double PCT_SAND(nlevsoi, lsmlat, lsmlon) ;
PCT_SAND:long_name = "percent sand" ;
PCT_SAND:units = "unitless" ;

Note that although nlevsoi=10 in the surface dataset, the actual number of layers is specified by soil_layerstruct_predefined in the lnd namelist. The default setting is 20SL_8.5m, which means there are 20 soil layers. The nlevsoi=10 values of sand and clay are used for the bottom 10 layers. There are also 5 layers of saturated granitic rock below the soil layers, which are only thermodynamically active.