I am running MUSICAv0 with the FCnudged compset at resolution ne0CONUSne30x8_ne0CONUSne30x8_mt12 on our institute's HPC. The setup utilizes 16 nodes, each with 36 processors (aprun -n 512 -N 32 -d 1 ~/MUSICA/my_cesm_sandbox/CONUS_test1/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1). Currently, the model is completing a 5 days run in ~72 hours. How long does MUSICA typically take to run?
Have attached the machine specific files.

Thank you.
I am running MUSICAv0 with the FCnudged compset at resolution ne0CONUSne30x8_ne0CONUSne30x8_mt12 on our institute's HPC. The setup utilizes 16 nodes, each with 36 processors (aprun -n 512 -N 32 -d 1 ~/MUSICA/my_cesm_sandbox/CONUS_test1/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1). Currently, the model is completing a 5 days run in ~72 hours. How long does MUSICA typically take to run?
Have attached the machine specific files.

Thank you.