I have successfully built the F compset of CESM 1.0.4. When I submit the job, the model does not complete. It gives the following message in the pbs output file. I think the error is because of some UNSET variables in ccsm. I see the following message in the atm log. Please find attached the output file, the cpl log and the atm log. [nitin@master case]$ cat /home/nitin/CESM/cesm1_0_4/CaseF/case/case/run/atm.log.150116-210123 CAM atmosphere model initialization Read in cam_inparm namelist from: atm_in REPRO_SUM_SETOPTS: Using fixed-point-based (scalable) reproducible distributed sum algorithm and not comparing with floating point algorithms. SPMD SWAP_COMM OPTIONS: swap_comm_protocol = 4 swap_comm_maxreq = 128 SPMD FLOW CONTROL GATHER OPTION: fc_gather_flow_cntl = 64 cld_sediment_readnl: cldsed_ice_stokes_fac = 0.500000000000000 solar_data_readnl: solar_const (W/m2) = 1361.27000000000 ------------------------------------------ *** INPUT VARIABLES (CAM_INPARM) *** ------------------------------------------ Initial run ********** CASE = case ********** UNSET Initial dataset is: Thanks,Nitin