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CESM1-CAM5 data of PFT distribution


István Dunkl
New Member
Dear all,

I'm looking for PCT_NAT_PFT output in CLM4, specifically simulation runs done with CESM1-CAM5. I was not able to find any of this on ESGF or earthsystemgrid.

The only CLM4 PFT data available on earthsystemgrid is from CCSM4, and comparing the NPP data of CCSM4 with CESM1-CAM5 shows strong differences, so I assumed the PFTs are distributed differently too.

Does someone still have any PFT data from CESM1-CAM5 simulations lying around on their local machines?



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
@strandwg , the original request here was for DCPP data which were done in CESM-1-CAM5 using CLM4 (see below). I don't know what DCPP is, but if you know where/what this data is I might be able to track down an appropriate surface dataset or output. As you know, the surface dataset and pft distributions will depend on the specific experiment and spatial resolution. Thanks, Keith.

"For an analysis of carbon flux predictability, I'm using the DCPP
simulation runs which were done in CESM-1-CAM5 using CLM4. For this
analysis I need the data of PFT distributions (landCoverFrac or
PCT_NAT_PFT) of a model run using CESM1-CAM5. However, I was not able to
find any of this on ESGF or earthsystemgrid.

The only PFT data I was able to find on earthsystemgrid is of CLM5
simulations (I assume that the distribution of PFTs has changed between
CLM4 and CLM5) and simulations of CCSM4 (from the GLENS project).

Do you have any PFT data available from CESM1-CAM5 simulations, and if
not: are the CCSM4 PFT distributions similar enough to the PFT
distributions in CESM1-CAM5?"


István Dunkl
New Member
Hi Keith,
DCPP is the Decadal Climate Prediction Project and it was initiated from the CESM1 CAM5 Decadal Prediction Large Ensemble.
However, the Large Ensemble data is archived and not accessible and there is no PCT_NAT_PFT in its variable list anyway.


Staff member
@oleson, as István reports, the DCPP is a subset of the DPLE, but PCT_NAT_PFT wasn't saved.

The only PCT_NAT_PFT data on the gateway is from the GLENS runs, which aren't suitable.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
@strandwg , thanks, do you know if the case directories or log files are on disc somewhere? I was thinking that the PCT_NAT_PFT data could be inferred from the surface dataset that was used which should be listed in the case directory or the log files.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Ok, I see log files for DPLE here:


One of the log files indicates that the surface dataset and landuse datasets that were used are:


From those it seems like one could reconstruct the pft distributions. Assuming that the same data was used for DCPP as for DPLE.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I've put these files on our ftp site
cd pub/oleson/DPLE

Look at PCT_PFT on the pftdyn file for the year(s) you are interested in.