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CESM2.1.3 run successfully but without output


New Member
I'm having some trouble with my experiment. When I run./case.submit, it appears to be running normally, with cesm.exe. But the output does not update the log file. I don't know why. Then I interrupted the run, I found the log file has changed from 0kb to 5kb. I try to find the trouble, but this trouble I have never been seen. I don't know if it's the server, I was hoping to get some advice. @oleson @slevis


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The only traceback I see is line 599 in cime_comp_mod.F90 which in release-cesm2.1.3 is:
call mpi_init(ierr)

which seems to be initializing mpi. Since you've run successfully before, maybe this is just a temporary systems issue.
You might look at the other log files as well for possible errors.


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
When you kill a program you do expect to get output similar to above. The line where it says forrtl: (78) process kills (SIGTERM) is where we see that you interrupted the program, so the traceback and cascade or error messaging is really completely expected here.

As far as your original question about why it's not sending output that's what you really want to know here. And that could be for many different reasons. It also depends on your case, the compset, the resolution, the number of processors and their layout, as well as the machine and compiler being used. This could be a load imbalance issue or just that it's slow for the number of processors being used. Do you have some cases that have worked? How is this different from them? Also if you are doing a complex compset, or a relatively high resolution, you might want to try with a simple compset and lower resolution.

So we'll need more details on your case for the list of things I give above...


Linking another thread that seems related from the title: