I'm interested in branching from the CESM2 CMIP6 1850 experiment (b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001), which I think was run with model version cesm2.1-exp003. However, this version of CESM is not ported to Derecho, so I'm considering running the supported version 2.1.5 instead. I'm wondering if version 2.1.5 would produce the same results as the CMIP6 version 2.1-exp003 for the 1850 experiment, so that I can just compare my branched experiment in version 2.1.5 with the existing CMIP6 piControl in version 2.1-exp003? Or if 2.1.5 would give different results than 2.1-exp003 for the CMIP6 1850 experiment, in which case I would need to re-run the piControl experiment in version 2.1.5 to use as a control run. Thanks! Lily