What version of the code are you using?
in /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
I added in ESCOMP/DART_interface, which Alper Altuntas developed in 2023 using POP as an example.
This involved adding a 'dart' section to .gitmodules, which @jedwards thought looks usable.
? Is it likely to cause a problem that the DART_interface was developed for POP,
but not extended to other components or MOM?
I modified config_archive.xml files; I haven't reached the point of trying to use them yet.
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
On derecho:
Downloaded CESM from ESCOMP and checked out the cesm3_0_beta05 tag
Forked the DART_interface from ESCOMP to GitHub - kdraeder/DART_interface: CESM-DART interface; required for adding DART files to the st_archive list..
Cloned the interface into components/dart and modified .gitmodules to include it.
Modified components/*/cime_config/config_archive.xml to handle DART file name extensions.
$ setenv cesmroot /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05
$ setenv CIMEROOT /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05/cime
The compset used here is a simplified version of BHISTC_LTso (stub land ice and wave).
but got the same result.
$ /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05/cime/scripts/create_newcase
--case /glade/work/raeder/Exp/St_cesm3_noDART
--machine derecho
--res f19_g17_r05
--project P86850054
--queue main
--walltime 0:10
--pecount 128x1
--ninst 3
This appeared to work, and it instructed me to run case.setup:
2025-03-07 16:43:41: case.setup starting
2025-03-07 16:43:47: case.setup success
When I run `case.build -d` I get the exerpts in the attached file (I can't attach the whole file because it's too big).
Describe your problem or question:
I'm trying to build something close to "out of the box", which I can use for testing mods to the st_archive xml files,
which will handle DART-related output. I'm requesting a small ensemble and low, standard resolution.
I chose a supported CAM compset but changed the land ice and wave models to stub, to match the possible output file set from DART runs.
I'm not familiar with MOM namelists, and couldn't find any helpful information about DO_GEOTHERMAL,
and mom_cime doesn't appear in any file names or files in components/mom or cime,
so I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction to identifying and fixing the problem.
As noted above, it may be related to the DART_interface.
in /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
I added in ESCOMP/DART_interface, which Alper Altuntas developed in 2023 using POP as an example.
This involved adding a 'dart' section to .gitmodules, which @jedwards thought looks usable.
? Is it likely to cause a problem that the DART_interface was developed for POP,
but not extended to other components or MOM?
I modified config_archive.xml files; I haven't reached the point of trying to use them yet.
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
On derecho:
Downloaded CESM from ESCOMP and checked out the cesm3_0_beta05 tag
Forked the DART_interface from ESCOMP to GitHub - kdraeder/DART_interface: CESM-DART interface; required for adding DART files to the st_archive list..
Cloned the interface into components/dart and modified .gitmodules to include it.
Modified components/*/cime_config/config_archive.xml to handle DART file name extensions.
$ setenv cesmroot /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05
$ setenv CIMEROOT /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05/cime
The compset used here is a simplified version of BHISTC_LTso (stub land ice and wave).
but got the same result.
$ /glade/work/raeder/Models/cesm3_0_beta05/cime/scripts/create_newcase
--case /glade/work/raeder/Exp/St_cesm3_noDART
--machine derecho
--res f19_g17_r05
--project P86850054
--queue main
--walltime 0:10
--pecount 128x1
--ninst 3
This appeared to work, and it instructed me to run case.setup:
2025-03-07 16:43:41: case.setup starting
2025-03-07 16:43:47: case.setup success
When I run `case.build -d` I get the exerpts in the attached file (I can't attach the whole file because it's too big).
Describe your problem or question:
I'm trying to build something close to "out of the box", which I can use for testing mods to the st_archive xml files,
which will handle DART-related output. I'm requesting a small ensemble and low, standard resolution.
I chose a supported CAM compset but changed the land ice and wave models to stub, to match the possible output file set from DART runs.
I'm not familiar with MOM namelists, and couldn't find any helpful information about DO_GEOTHERMAL,
and mom_cime doesn't appear in any file names or files in components/mom or cime,
so I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction to identifying and fixing the problem.
As noted above, it may be related to the DART_interface.