Hello! Does anyone know how to change short wave spectrum to 500nm in aerosol optical calculation? I have tried to modify 0.35 ~ 0.64 microns into 0.5 ~ 0.5 microns of wavmin and wavmax in the source code (atm/cam/src/physics/cam/radconstants.F90). But after modifying parameters in SourceMods/src.cam/radconstants.F90, it turned out some bugs in the process of CESM building, which showed “...atm/cam/src/physics/rrtmg/radsw.F90(668): error #7983: The storage extent of the dummy argument exceeds that of the actual argument”.
Actual argument: fractional_solar_irradiance(1:nbndsw) in rrtmg/radsw.F90 (nbndsw=14)
use radconstants, only: get_solar_band_fraction_irrad, get_ref_solar_band_irrad
call get_solar_band_fraction_irrad(fractional_solar_irradiance)
Dummy argument: fractional_irradiance(1:nswbands) in cam/radconstants.F90 (nswbands=19)
or fractional_irradiance(1:nswbands) in rrtmg/radconstants.F90 (nswbands=14)
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!
Actual argument: fractional_solar_irradiance(1:nbndsw) in rrtmg/radsw.F90 (nbndsw=14)
use radconstants, only: get_solar_band_fraction_irrad, get_ref_solar_band_irrad
call get_solar_band_fraction_irrad(fractional_solar_irradiance)
Dummy argument: fractional_irradiance(1:nswbands) in cam/radconstants.F90 (nswbands=19)
or fractional_irradiance(1:nswbands) in rrtmg/radconstants.F90 (nswbands=14)
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!