I am developing a CONUS variable-resolution simulation with CLM4. When setting the recommended time step for the CONUS grid, ATM_NCPL = 384 (dtime = 225), I get the following error in the lnd.log file:
dtime_sync= 225 dtime_clm= 225 mod = 0
ENDRUN:HydrologyTracer: non integer substeps
ERROR: Unknown error submitted to shr_sys_abort.
I realize that this is because in the clm/src_clm40/biogeophys/HydrologyTracer.F90 file, dtime = 225 is not evenly divisible by dtsub = 6:
! Assign a timestep for substepping.
dtsub = dtime
! dtsub = dtime/4. ! match with flim
! dtsub = 600. ! 10 min
! dtsub = 180. ! 3 min
! dtsub = 60. ! 1 min
! dtsub = 30. ! 30 sec
dtsub = 6. ! 6 sec
if (mod(dtime,dtsub) /= 0) call endrun('HydrologyTracer: non integer substeps')
nsub = nint(dtime/dtsub)
I have removed the error by setting dtsub = 5. However, are there any other concerns/issues with setting dtsub = 5 in CLM4?
Thank you,
I am developing a CONUS variable-resolution simulation with CLM4. When setting the recommended time step for the CONUS grid, ATM_NCPL = 384 (dtime = 225), I get the following error in the lnd.log file:
dtime_sync= 225 dtime_clm= 225 mod = 0
ENDRUN:HydrologyTracer: non integer substeps
ERROR: Unknown error submitted to shr_sys_abort.
I realize that this is because in the clm/src_clm40/biogeophys/HydrologyTracer.F90 file, dtime = 225 is not evenly divisible by dtsub = 6:
! Assign a timestep for substepping.
dtsub = dtime
! dtsub = dtime/4. ! match with flim
! dtsub = 600. ! 10 min
! dtsub = 180. ! 3 min
! dtsub = 60. ! 1 min
! dtsub = 30. ! 30 sec
dtsub = 6. ! 6 sec
if (mod(dtime,dtsub) /= 0) call endrun('HydrologyTracer: non integer substeps')
nsub = nint(dtime/dtsub)
I have removed the error by setting dtsub = 5. However, are there any other concerns/issues with setting dtsub = 5 in CLM4?
Thank you,