In CAM6, the midpoint of the lowest atmosphere layer sits at about 60 metres. This can be seen as follows:double lev(lev) ;
lev:long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))" ;
lev(-1) = 992.556095123291 hPa The reference pressure is 100,000 Pa. Filling in the calculator (T = 0 degC) at a midpoint height of 59.75m. I am wondering, is there a standard procedure to change atmospheric levels? I would like to move the lowest midpoint closer to the surface, say 12 m. Is this at all possible? What are potential caveats? Cheers,Leo van Kampenhout
lev:long_name = "hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B))" ;
lev(-1) = 992.556095123291 hPa The reference pressure is 100,000 Pa. Filling in the calculator (T = 0 degC) at a midpoint height of 59.75m. I am wondering, is there a standard procedure to change atmospheric levels? I would like to move the lowest midpoint closer to the surface, say 12 m. Is this at all possible? What are potential caveats? Cheers,Leo van Kampenhout