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CICE compile problem cannot find lgptl


Noele Franchi
New Member
Hi Guys..
Can someone help with this?
I've missed something, any package? The PIO code is really necessary?
Many thanks in advance.

mpif90 -o /home/ocean/CICE_RUNS/mycase1.test/cice -L/usr/local/hdf5-5.1.10/lib -L/usr/local/zlib-1.2.11/lib -L/usr/local/netcdf-c-4.6.1/lib -qopenmp CICE.o CICE_FinalMod.o CICE_InitMod.o CICE_RunMod.o ice_arrays_column.o ice_blocks.o ice_boundary.o ice_broadcast.o ice_calendar.o ice_communicate.o ice_constants.o ice_diagnostics.o ice_diagnostics_bgc.o ice_distribution.o ice_domain.o ice_domain_size.o ice_dyn_eap.o ice_dyn_evp.o ice_dyn_evp_1d.o ice_dyn_shared.o ice_exit.o ice_fileunits.o ice_flux.o ice_flux_bgc.o ice_forcing.o ice_forcing_bgc.o ice_gather_scatter.o ice_global_reductions.o ice_grid.o ice_history.o ice_history_bgc.o ice_history_drag.o ice_history_fsd.o ice_history_mechred.o ice_history_pond.o ice_history_shared.o ice_history_write.o ice_init.o ice_init_column.o ice_kinds_mod.o ice_read_write.o ice_reprosum.o ice_restart.o ice_restart_column.o ice_restart_driver.o ice_restart_shared.o ice_restoring.o ice_shr_reprosum86.o ice_spacecurve.o ice_state.o ice_step_mod.o ice_timers.o ice_transport_driver.o ice_transport_remap.o icepack_aerosol.o icepack_age.o icepack_algae.o icepack_atmo.o icepack_brine.o icepack_firstyear.o icepack_flux.o icepack_fsd.o icepack_intfc.o icepack_itd.o icepack_kinds.o icepack_mechred.o icepack_meltpond_cesm.o icepack_meltpond_lvl.o icepack_meltpond_topo.o icepack_mushy_physics.o icepack_ocean.o icepack_orbital.o icepack_parameters.o icepack_shortwave.o icepack_therm_0layer.o icepack_therm_bl99.o icepack_therm_itd.o icepack_therm_mushy.o icepack_therm_shared.o icepack_therm_vertical.o icepack_tracers.o icepack_warnings.o icepack_wavefracspec.o icepack_zbgc.o icepack_zbgc_shared.o icepack_zsalinity.o -L/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/pio/2.2/mpt/2.15f/intel/17.0.1/lib/lib -lpnetcdf -lgptl

ld: cannot find -lgptl

/home/ocean/mycase1/Makefile:131: recipe for target '/home/ocean/CICE_RUNS/mycase1.test/cice' failed
gmake: *** [/home/ocean/CICE_RUNS/mycase1.test/cice] Error 1


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
GPTL is the general purpose timing library. I'm not sure if there is a way to turn it off? If you set ICE_IOTYPE to netcdf instead of pio, it should build without parallel I/O.