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CLM Fates simulation needs an initial conditions (finidat) file

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Yi Yao

Yi Yao
Hi, recently I was trying to run CLM with Fates (compset: I2000Clm50FatesCruGs). However, if I set the START_DATE as 0001-01-01, it worked well, while when I changed the date to 2000-01-01, which is the day when I want the simulation to start, it shows that it needs an initial conditions file: ERROR : CLM build-namelist::CLMBuildNamelist::setup_logic_initial_conditions() : clm_start_type is startup so an initial conditions (finidat) file is required, but can't find one without use_init_interp being set to true.
May I ask why it happens? Does it mean that I cannot run my simulation starting from 2000? and 0001-01-01 means real the year 0001?
Thanks in advance!


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I can replicate that error with CLM5 release code.
I don't quite understand the namelist logic that is causing that error, but if you do the following with RUN_STARTDATE set to 2000-01-01 it seems to build the namelist without errors:

./xmlchange CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=on

It might have something to do with the fact that an initial file must be an exact match because initial files can't be interpolated for fates in this version of the model.


New Member
Hi, recently I was trying to run CLM with Fates (compset: I2000Clm50FatesCruGs). However, if I set the START_DATE as 0001-01-01, it worked well, while when I changed the date to 2000-01-01, which is the day when I want the simulation to start, it shows that it needs an initial conditions file: ERROR : CLM build-namelist::CLMBuildNamelist::setup_logic_initial_conditions() : clm_start_type is startup so an initial conditions (finidat) file is required, but can't find one without use_init_interp being set to true.
May I ask why it happens? Does it mean that I cannot run my simulation starting from 2000? and 0001-01-01 means real the year 0001?
Thanks in advance!
Dear teacher,

Sorry to bother you. I try to simulate GPP from 1980 to 2010 and the future GPP(SSP585) from 2020 to 2050 using CLM5-FATES to run compset I2000Clm50FatesGs and res f05_g16. Here is my confusion about the steps.

(1) First creat a spin-up case (I2000Clm50Fates_spinup) to evaluate the model's equilibrium and change CLM_ACCELERATED_SPINUP=on, CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=on.
The query I have is to carry on such an experiment do I require to Spin-up the model for over 600 years? Would it be sufficient to recycle 30 times form 1960 to 1979 for spinup in I2000Clm50FatesGs, then is it reasonable to use the 600-year spunup file as initial file to simulate GPP for 1980-2010(I2000)?

(2) Then creat a common case (I2000Clm50Fates) running from 1980 to 2010, and set the finidat in user_nl_clm as the output of spin-up case.
Is this the right approach for simulating GPP from 1980 to 2010? The CLM-FATES model doesnot have IHISTClm50Ftates--compset, and the CO2 is constant. I wonder to know whether I need to change the amount of co2 to simulate the history GPP?

(3) When I try to simulate the future GPP(SSP585) from 2020 to 2050 using CLM5-FATES to run compset I2000Clm50FatesGs and res f05_g16, I am not sure how to choose the surfacedata, domain data, and finiidat.
So at first, I want to build a case ISSP585Clm using compset ISSP585Clm50BgcCrop, The ISSP585 compset would give domain, surface, and finidar data containing transient landcover, CO2, aerosol and nitrogen deposition, year-specific atmospheric forcing, etc. Then I want to use the inputdata from compset ISSP585ClmBgcCrop to compset I2000Clm50FatesGs to simulate the future GPP(SSP585).

Is it reasonale for I to use the inputdata from ISSP585ClmBgcCrop to run compset I2000Clm50FatesGs using CLM5-FATES model?
If it works, what should I pay attention to? If it doesnot, What should I do to simulate the future GPP?

Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


Dear teacher,

Sorry to bother you. I try to simulate GPP from 1980 to 2010 and the future GPP(SSP585) from 2020 to 2050 using CLM5-FATES to run compset I2000Clm50FatesGs and res f05_g16. Here is my confusion about the steps.

(1) First creat a spin-up case (I2000Clm50Fates_spinup) to evaluate the model's equilibrium and change CLM_ACCELERATED_SPINUP=on, CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=on.
The query I have is to carry on such an experiment do I require to Spin-up the model for over 600 years? Would it be sufficient to recycle 30 times form 1960 to 1979 for spinup in I2000Clm50FatesGs, then is it reasonable to use the 600-year spunup file as initial file to simulate GPP for 1980-2010(I2000)?

(2) Then creat a common case (I2000Clm50Fates) running from 1980 to 2010, and set the finidat in user_nl_clm as the output of spin-up case.
Is this the right approach for simulating GPP from 1980 to 2010? The CLM-FATES model doesnot have IHISTClm50Ftates--compset, and the CO2 is constant. I wonder to know whether I need to change the amount of co2 to simulate the history GPP?

(3) When I try to simulate the future GPP(SSP585) from 2020 to 2050 using CLM5-FATES to run compset I2000Clm50FatesGs and res f05_g16, I am not sure how to choose the surfacedata, domain data, and finiidat.
So at first, I want to build a case ISSP585Clm using compset ISSP585Clm50BgcCrop, The ISSP585 compset would give domain, surface, and finidar data containing transient landcover, CO2, aerosol and nitrogen deposition, year-specific atmospheric forcing, etc. Then I want to use the inputdata from compset ISSP585ClmBgcCrop to compset I2000Clm50FatesGs to simulate the future GPP(SSP585).

Is it reasonale for I to use the inputdata from ISSP585ClmBgcCrop to run compset I2000Clm50FatesGs using CLM5-FATES model?
If it works, what should I pay attention to? If it doesnot, What should I do to simulate the future GPP?

Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Hi,Cheng! Do you change the other parameter when you create a common case after your spin up done? Just like normal proceeding,create a new case, change the finit data? How can i set the simulate date?

I already spinup 50 years(from 1900s), and i don't the know my initial date should be(1950?or1900?).


Staff member
I think that BGC and FATES are mutually exclusive options and that you can use accelerated spin-up for BGC but not for FATES.


Staff member
Also there are no FATES compsets that use transient data (eg HIST or SSP) because FATES does not, yet, work with transient land use data. However, I expect that you will see a change in the simulation of you change the co2.
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