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CLM5.0 history field problem with "WF"

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Fabian Riquelme
New Member

I am working with an F compset (1850_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV) to make a sensitivity test. I am keeping some CAM variables and I want to register only one CLM5.0 varible: WF (soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m). However, the model gives me an error in the beginning of the run:

htapes_fieldlist ERROR: WF in fincl( 2 ) for history tape
1 not found

WF appears in CTSM History Fields but I realize that in the last column it specified that this variable is no Active.

So, here some questions:
- It is possible to active this variable?
- My problem is related to my compset? (I am using RTM instead of MOSART)
- If it is not possible to use WF is other way to calculate the water fraction over the superficial layer of soil?

Hope you can help me.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
In components/clm/src/biogeophys/WaterStateType.F90 I see:

if (use_cn) then
this%wf_col(begc:endc) = spval
call hist_addfld1d (fname='WF', units='proportion', &
avgflag='A', long_name='soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m', &
ptr_col=this%wf_col, default='inactive')
end if

So that variable is only available if "use_cn" is true. You would need CLM50%BGC or CLM50%BGC-Crop instead of CLM50%SP.
You could try commenting out the if statement but the wf_col variable may not be calculated/available in SP mode.
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