I am working with an F compset (1850_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV) to make a sensitivity test. I am keeping some CAM variables and I want to register only one CLM5.0 varible: WF (soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m). However, the model gives me an error in the beginning of the run:
WF appears in CTSM History Fields but I realize that in the last column it specified that this variable is no Active.
So, here some questions:
- It is possible to active this variable?
- My problem is related to my compset? (I am using RTM instead of MOSART)
- If it is not possible to use WF is other way to calculate the water fraction over the superficial layer of soil?
Hope you can help me.
I am working with an F compset (1850_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_RTM_SGLC_SWAV) to make a sensitivity test. I am keeping some CAM variables and I want to register only one CLM5.0 varible: WF (soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m). However, the model gives me an error in the beginning of the run:
htapes_fieldlist ERROR: WF in fincl( 2 ) for history tape
1 not found
WF appears in CTSM History Fields but I realize that in the last column it specified that this variable is no Active.
So, here some questions:
- It is possible to active this variable?
- My problem is related to my compset? (I am using RTM instead of MOSART)
- If it is not possible to use WF is other way to calculate the water fraction over the superficial layer of soil?
Hope you can help me.