I have try simulate the regional case with 0.5° resolution GSPW3 successfully,now I want use my atm forcing data with 0.1° run CLM5.
#export CENLON=105 #区域中心点的经度
#export CENLAT=35 #区域中心点的纬度
#export DX=35 #区域经度跨度
#export NX=700 #经向格点数量
#export DY=20 #区域纬度跨度
#export NY=400 #纬向格点数量
I have successfully created the surfdat and Domain files.
My ERROR as follow: (see cesm.log)
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 42001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 54001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 28001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 26001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 16001
Refer to the following solution
I've changed the value of the mask in the domain file ( ) so that the grid point with no atmospheric data is mask=0,and make sure the mask is set correctly.
Also,I set the NAN in atm forcing with 0
but it doesn't work
Is the modified mask invalid in atm.log. file ?
I have try simulate the regional case with 0.5° resolution GSPW3 successfully,now I want use my atm forcing data with 0.1° run CLM5.
#export CENLON=105 #区域中心点的经度
#export CENLAT=35 #区域中心点的纬度
#export DX=35 #区域经度跨度
#export NX=700 #经向格点数量
#export DY=20 #区域纬度跨度
#export NY=400 #纬向格点数量
I have successfully created the surfdat and Domain files.
My ERROR as follow: (see cesm.log)
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 42001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 54001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 28001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 26001
component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_dens 1d glo
bal index: 16001
Refer to the following solution
ERROR M50: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance
Hi, I only run CLM50 and build it successfully. However, when I ./case.submit, there is an error and the cesm.log showed:84 (t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in 85 (t_initf) Using profile_disable= F 86 (t_initf) profile_timer= 4 87 (t_initf)...
I've changed the value of the mask in the domain file ( ) so that the grid point with no atmospheric data is mask=0,and make sure the mask is set correctly.
Also,I set the NAN in atm forcing with 0
but it doesn't work
Is the modified mask invalid in atm.log. file ?