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co2 flux and atmospheric co2

I just wanted to clarify if and how the CO2 exchange / flux (FCO2) determined by the land model gets included in calculations of atmospheric CO2 (CO2_PPMV) in a fully-coupled mode. It seems that atmospheric CO2 conc. is pretty much set by namelist parameters of CAM.



Staff member
You may wish to also post this in a cam or ccsm related thread for more visibility. I'm not sure how to answer your question myself because I have not tried a run with interactive atm co2.

In ccsm4 (to be released next year), there will be clear instructions on how to do this.

Just a related question - in the case that we do want to prescribe CO2 conc. in a fully-coupled mode, do we have to change pco2 in clm in addition to co2_vmr in cam? I thought that this may not be necessary but pco2 seems to be hard-coded as a constant in clm_varcon and CanopyFluxes so just thought I'd check. Thanks!


Staff member
In older versions of the clm you did have to change the co2 by hand, and it sounds as though this is true in your version.

How would this work though for settings such as Ramp_CO2_only and the IPCC modes of CCSM3? I would assume there's some way that CLM pCO2 gets updated at the appropriate time steps?


Staff member
I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that the physiological effects of changing atmospheric co2 were not accounted for.