New Member
Dear all,I tried to realize the column radiation mode in scam5 via the variable scm_crm_mode = .true. in cam_inparm. But it failed to run with the error as follows. I cannot figure out the reason. Hope somebody can help me. Thank you very much!(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: diag_allocate: ERROR: allocate failed
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping
MPI_Abort: error code = 1001Meanwhile, I also tried to use PORT (Parallel Offline Radiation Tool) to get the offline radiaiton mode. But it seems not suit for rrtmg in cam5 in cesm1.2. Have someone used PORT to get offline radiation mode of rrtmg?And if I want to get offline radiaiton code of rrtmg in cam5 or scam5, how can I realize it? Hope someone can give me some advice? Thanks!Jocelyn
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping
MPI_Abort: error code = 1001Meanwhile, I also tried to use PORT (Parallel Offline Radiation Tool) to get the offline radiaiton mode. But it seems not suit for rrtmg in cam5 in cesm1.2. Have someone used PORT to get offline radiation mode of rrtmg?And if I want to get offline radiaiton code of rrtmg in cam5 or scam5, how can I realize it? Hope someone can give me some advice? Thanks!Jocelyn