Hi Christine,I ran your version of zm_conv.F90 for 50 years with E_2000 component set for (1)30 times present CO2 (2) 90 tme present CO2 and (3) 200 times present CO2 cases. The 30 & 90times present CO2 cases ran fine, but the 200 time present CO2 stopped at year 14 with the following error message:****************************findsp not converging at point i, k 15 5
t, q, p, enin 227.698203219823 3.268937352816688E-002
3723.02900000001 321419.290023057
tsp, qsp, enout 255.816994171481 2.308661315931521E-002
ENDRUN:FINDSP********************The issue comes from the subroutine 'cldwat.F90' in a place wetbulb temperature and saturation mixingratio are determined. Apparently, the guess values of temperature and mixingratio (227.69 K & 3.26 e-2) to this routine are the source of the problem. Have you encountered this situation when you ran the model in hotclimates? (and if you did, can you share how solved this problem?)ThanksRaviPennsylvania State University